[blog] Tips to troubleshoot your computer based setup

Link: Tips to troubleshoot your computer-based setup - Gig Performer®

More tips will be indexed in this thread. :slight_smile:

More tips

[1] Beware of one-click cleaner apps → LINK

[2] Don’t do that! → LINK

[3] Do that! → LINK

[4] Make sure that you have C++ Runtime or other libraries needed for a plugin → LINK

[5] What if USB MIDI port names keep changing on Windows? → LINK

[6] What to do if plugin editor windows are displayed too small? → LINK

[7] Give Gig Performer microphone permissions on Mac → LINK

[8] Review the “isolated client feature” on your router → LINK

[9] If you upgraded your PC and now GP is crashing, start GP in Safe Mode (driver issue) → LINK

[10] Tip to fix your Syntronik or SampleTank internal preset patches → LINK

[11] MIDI Driver troubleshooting tip → LINK

[12] How To Use Cakewalk DX & DXI → LINK

[13] Try cleaning all your connections with a high quality cleanerLINK

[14] Try with 5-pin MIDI cables instead of the USB connection → LINK

[15] The crackles seems to appear during MIDI activity on the Motif XS Rack (MIDI loop) → LINK

[16] Your target should be -18 db. This means that your average normal volume should hit around -18db when playing. If you’re playing softer, lower than this. Your max volume shouldn’t be more than 3-4 db hotter than -18db. → LINK

[17] USB Isolator and UPS on mains tip (especially for Ui24R) → LINK

[18] How to deal with back-lined or rented keyboards → LINK

[19] Known problem and a workaround for Korg USB MIDI → LINK

[20] CPU spikes due to a buggy plugin, even when a rackspace doesn’t contain it → LINK

[21] Ventura 13.1 and MIDI Out ports → LINK

[22] Block MIDI events you don’t need either in a MIDI In block or using a MIDI Filter → LINK

[23] Turn off AccessibilityKeyboardFull Keyboard Access on your macOS (link)

[24] Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP): No MIDI-Devices found despite systemwide availability → FIX


Don’t do that! :slight_smile:


See the compilation in this thread.


Make sure that you have C++ Runtime or other libraries needed for a plugin (example).

What if USB MIDI port names keep changing on windows - LINK

If you have a particularly high resolution Windows tablet, it may be that some plugin editor windows are displayed too small. You can address this by adjusting Windows scaling behavior. Click here to learn more.

Sadly, not everything scales. I’m running Win11 on an excellent 17" 4K laptop, scaled to 200% (back down to 1920x1080). Some apps don’t scale and are almost impossible to read. I had been trying to find a decent 32" 4K monitor so I could switch back to no scaling, but those monitors are stupid expensive. Plus, I don’t really have the desktop space for one.

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Do that! :slight_smile:


[1] Comment your code

Liberally comment the code you’ve written. Otherwise, you’ll come back to it in a few months and forget completely what you did and why (source).

[2] Create a backup

Besides an operating system backup, Gig Performer allows you to easily export certain data that you may want to keep safe. Read this blog article to learn more.

[3] Reboot your Mac after updating an AU plugin

Generally, if you install or update an AudioUnit plugin (Mac only), you have to log out or possibly even reboot your computer before the updated AU becomes visible (source).

[4] Install 64-bit plugins and note the install path

VSTs may come as 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Uncheck 32-bit versions and note the location of 64-bit ones; after the installation, add the locations to the Plugin Manager.

[5] Steer clear of plugins that require weekly or monthly authorizations

Most likely you are not connected to the Internet while you are performing; if such a plugin decides to “call home” while you’re offline to authorize itself - it will stop working. Examples: link, link.

[6] Use MIDI Monitor

It can happen that your pad is sending 3 note messages. (see this example)

[7] Use host automation instead of sending MIDI directly – (Why? → LINK1, LINK2)


Make sure you give Gig Performer “Microphone” permissions on Mac.

This question is posted from time to time (example).

Relevant blogs:

This “isolated client” feature on some routers is worth mentioning in this thread (link).

There are a few points of view to this:

  • When you want your devices to communicate with each other, enabling isolation works against you
  • The security point of view is that enabling this setting helps preventing lateral movement, especially when it comes to malware, for example ransomware.

This means one should carefully weigh these mutual exclusive points of view against each other. It depends highly on the case. Of course a safe network that is of no use for you is also not desirable…

I’m just saying this so that people understand the consequences of enabling or disabling this setting.

Help! What should I do if Gig Performer crashes immediately on start up before loading any gig files or plugins? Every once in awhile we have users who have a Windows OS update installed and GP stops working after the update. Since it crashes on start up before loading any gig files or plugins it can be hard to figure out what is causing this and very frustrating, and it’s often not caused by a plugin. The absolute BEST thing to do is try to run Gig Performer in SAFE MODE (Windows). See the link below to the discussion where one of our intrepid users - LUCASCURTIS - refused to give up, how he did it, and what he found.

-----> Link


“One cannot assume that the latest version of something is always the greatest.” - LINK

I’m definitely in the “if it ain’t broke” camp. - LINK

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Great tip. (source)

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On macOS, In System SettingsAccessibilityKeyboard turn off “Full Keyboard Access.”
Otherwise funny things may happen, as described in this thread.

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I have never cleaned my connectors or experienced any moisture problems (except when I play outside but clean everything before putting the equipment away).
On the other hand, all my cases, bags, or flight cases contain desiccant bags that I change regularly. I buy them in packs of 50.
Prevention is better than cure. :wink:

Good advice! Prevention is definitely a great idea, but that equipment is spending time serious time outside, what happens inside the case won’t matter much. :wink: Many of our gigs are outside, in FL beachside. Probably more severe under these circumstances.

That’s why I said that when I play outside I clean all my connectors afterwards, to avoid humidity and dust accumulation.
And I do it every time I can (not just once in a while) when I go home, to a hotel or whatever: it takes more time but it’s also called prevention. :slightly_smiling_face:
I also remain sceptical about cleaning products that add a so-called protective layer. It invites us to be less concerned about systematically doing the work ourselves.

Good tip:

Link: Tokyo Dawn Labs TDR Limiter 6 GE $9.99 - #24 by Angel

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Beware of OSC loops :slight_smile:
Link: Problem creating new Song - #11 by David-san

High DPI scaling as mentioned in the preceding post works every time for me. I leave my Surface Pro 8 on the default %setting and just apply DPI scaling. Works brilliantly everytime.


Thanks for pointing that out. I’ve made the change. We’ll see how it works. :+1: