Thank you for checking! If it didn’t work, I wouldn’t have included it!
Here is another one: How to create rackspaces if you have no rig attached to your computer?
Solution: Use virtual MIDI devices!
Mac users have the built-in support of this called IAC port. You can define as many as you want on your Mac and Gig Performer will recognize them as separate ports:
(explanation: “Treiber” is a German word and means “driver”).
You can use these ports in the Rig Manager:
Windows users need to download a third-party virtual MIDI driver, such as LoopMIDI (it works great).
There were a couple of questions about this trick, for example, here, here, and here.
Of course, don’t use MIDI In (OMNI) ports (learn why).
Another thread worth checking out: MIDI Input organization.