[blog] How to use multiple instances in Gig Performer 4

Link: How to use multiple instances in Gig Performer 4 - Gig Performer®

Do you use multiple instances of Gig Performer?
What are your use cases? :slight_smile:

Index of additional tips

[1] Automate opening instances on Windows with a BAT file (link)
[2] Tips for macOS users (link)
[3] Use the Task Scheduler to open instances on the Windows startup (link)
[4] Learn how to sync songs in a setlist and to sync widgets across instances (link)
[5] Location where instances are stored (link)
[6] How to use multiple instances of Gig Performer with Jack (link)
[7] Related blog: “Clever ways to optimize your plugin usage” → LINK
[8] How to sync 3 instances on the same computer (link)
[9] How to force a Gig Performer instance to run under Rosetta? - link


For Windows users

You can create a BAT file to automatically start multiple instances on double click. Open the Notepad and then paste this code:

cd "C:\Program Files\Gig Performer 4\"
start GigPerformer4.exe
start GigPerformer4.exe -in="Guitar"
start GigPerformer4.exe -in="Vocals"

and save it as (say) Script.bat

Just double click on the Script.bat and the main Gig Performer application and its two instances (refer to the blog article) will start.

Note: in some cases, you must right click on the Script.bat file and select Run as Administrator.

Additionally, if you don’t want to start all instances at the same time, you can use this code:

 @echo off
cd "C:\Program Files\Gig Performer 4\"
start GigPerformer4.exe
timeout /t 3
start GigPerformer4.exe -in="Guitar"
timeout /t 3
start GigPerformer4.exe -in="Vocals"

Now every instance opens on 3 seconds.

If you don’t like to see the command prompt window at all, you can save this code as (say) script.vbs

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Script.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing

Just make sure to provide the correct path to the Script.bat file. The same applies, in some cases, you’d have to run this as administrator.

You can use the Task Scheduler feature in Windows to start the bat file when your computer starts or on certain criteria. See this post for more details.


For macOS users

How to start multiple instances on computer startup → LINK

Launch individual instances from the Mac menu bar/script menu → LINK

How to start a Gig Performer instance from the Terminal:

open -n /Applications/GigPerformer4.app --args -in=INSTANCE-NAME

Note: replace “INSTANCE-NAME” with the name of your instance.

Applescript for Activating GP4 + Instances → LINK


Is it possible to keep two versions with different parameters in terms of cpu compilation? I would like to have one instance on desktop as intel-rosetta mode and one as M1-native.
To be sure to keep my gigs and test migration to a full M1 system

Does this help? xcode - Conditionally run program using Rosetta 2 on M1 Mac - Ask Different

My Mac is Intel-based so I can’t play with this.

Hm… These executables for new instances on Mac are behaving like applications (they ask for permissions, etc.). Couldn’t you just in the application’s info check “Open Using Rosetta” ?

I am using intel-rosetta version. But I am planning to switch to M1 native. It could be comfortable to keep both versions ready on desktop. Just in case old gigs cannot be migrated easily…

Why should that not be possible?

It is possible. Just planning… What happens if I open a gig in M1 mode and some plugin don’t work?

Understand, but that is not a migration of a gig.
You start a different App with the same gig.

Exactly… Just trying to think in advance. If next gig will be in June, I am going to switch to pure M1 environment

i´ve not checked above links vs. mac.
But @rank13 has posted here a script for ARM macs that allows to open GP from your toolbar.
i have it installed. (guess the above links are related)
I can open/load 8 instances of GP4 directly !!..from toolbar.
four ( 1-4) as ARM native / four (1-4) as rosetta based.
easy peasy. Just one click into the toollbar, plus a double click, and the desired GP4 version starts.
( i have deactivated ALL these settings in global settings:
“check automaticly for new plugins at startup”, = NO.
and important for me: “load last project at startup ?” = NO
/ both caused some “issues” for me. This way its better / i´d recommend to do same )

Audio settings can remain, per individual GP4 instance, from start to start,
or i can lose these sometimes. Thats the only thing i need to have an eye on it.
Right now, i´ve longer not lost any Audio settings.

end fazit: GREAT !..works all like a charm !

just chose a good naming sheme for these GP4 instances in the script. it helps

No need to guess, just click on the link(s) :slight_smile:

Eight instances? :slight_smile: What’s your use case?

can get scripts to work but not task shedule to work on start up

I’ve just tested the Task Scheduler and yes - it works perfectly on Windows 11. Here are a couple of screenshots.

[1] Run with highest privileges


[2] Configure the Trigger to be At system startup


[3] Select the location of your script


[4] Uncheck this check box if you want to run it even if your laptop/desktop is not on AC power


That’s it.

Alternatively, use a free edition of WinpatrolLINK

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Hi thanks for reply , I’m on win 10

in short: —> to have choices ! :wink:
4 instances in direct reach !
BUT: i wanted to have the ARM native available as well.

so far, i could not switch over to run GP4 ARM native.
just for some small tasks
( i don´t need to load 8 instances at the same time ! I probably never loaded more than 3 instances at the same time )

another reason “was”:
the hope that dependend on which GP4 instance i would use,
ït would load with the last Gig used.

This was working partially , and partially did not worked out.
So, i finally switched over to deactivate “autoload” on all instances for a more consistent workflow. Most often i would get to see the last used GIgs in the load dialog vs. different GP instances.

Another reason vs. choices: the audio interface settings per GP instance.
Here same: sometimes it kept settings, and sometimes not.
( Finally, all a thing of finding my personal best workflow, working within a computer )

OK, cool :slight_smile:
I linked this thread in the blog article, so I assume that readers will be interested in reading all use cases that our fellow community members use.

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Tried everything on task scheduler and could not get it to work,
I placed script in start up folder and works.
I would really like to have task scheduler working though.

One great feature of Gig Performer is to use more than one instance” ~ Mr. T

… and he will explain how to keep these instances in sync using OSC in this great stream: LINK

Learn how to sync songs in a setlist and afterwards how to sync widgets.

See example master/slave gig files here.

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I (we) just started using a second instance of GP4! I think the main motivation was to reduce the load time for our drummer’s gigfile, which was getting cluttered up since I’ve been adding more synth plugins. Instances of Pigments, in particular, take longer to load. So I copied the song rackspaces that use synth plugins (I’m up to 6 now, using Reaktor, Kontakt and Pigments to augment or replace my Nord Modular G2X sounds) into my own personal GP4 instance. Now the drummer’s gigfile, with its 40 song rackspaces, loads nice and quickly, and my continuing expansion into virtual synths won’t affect him.

The other motivation was that the drums were starting to have occasional dropouts, distortion and note pile-ups at gigs, and it was back to the drawing board to find and disable more macOS processes that could be getting in the way of real-time performance (and I’ve since upgraded to Big Sur, see [blog] Optimize your Mac for a gig - #13 by therealgps). Having a separate drummer’s instance of GP4 makes it easier and faster to quit and restart his gigfile.

I set up the Mac Script to load both instances, and also exported all settings in each instance so I can easily import them when switching to the audio interface we use on stage. This is all great stuff, thank you Deskew!