It works well. But it launches the main “empty” session and the two other instances.
I would like to add some argument on the line “start GigPerformer4.exe”.
Instead of having “start GigPerformer4.exe -in=“Guitar””, maybe something like start GigPerformer4.exe -gig=“my_gig.gig”
NB : I would like to keep an empty session at start of GP instead of launching the previous gig file, because I have several main gig files.
That’s OK, the option “Reload the last gig on startup” is not activated.
But when I launch the batch script, my two instances are with the right gig file, but the main is empty. I would like to specify the gig file to launch.
I’m not sure if Windows is different, but on Mac you don’t have to open the main GP app - everything can be an instance.
So why not just make separate instances for your different ‘main’ instances, and have the option set to load the latest gig file - so that each instance opens the file you want?
You can also have separate batch files for the combination you want.
I finally got it ! rank13’s method is the way to do.
I’ve just set my “main” gig as an instance and and have the option set to load the latest gig file.
That gives :
cd "C:\Program Files\Gig Performer 4"
start GigPerformer4.exe -in=“main”
start GigPerformer4.exe -in=“strings”
start GigPerformer4.exe -in=“synths”