Please share your experiences with Gig Performer

Inspired by recent gig files and other awesome content shared by our users, I wrote a small article. For those who are game, I want to share with you ways to help expanding the Gig Performer universe.

Participate in the forum

First, thank you all for participating in this community forum!

I always say that the community forum is the heart of all our efforts to make everything related to Gig Performer so great! :slight_smile:

I’ll share with you some ways you can contribute and make this community even stronger.

[1] Sharing your rackspaces or gig files

If you have an interesting panel, rackspace, or a gig file, you may want to share it with other community members.

I promise I’ll do my best to make your work properly credited, accessible and indexed :slight_smile:

You can share your:

[2] Guest blog articles or community articles

As an example, if you use Gig Performer alongside some other apps, it would be great to have a tutorial about integrating that app with Gig Performer. An example is this guest blog article.

Smaller community how-tos with some pointers are also great for contributing to the community knowledge base. Here is an example.

[3] Gig Performer in Action stories

Feel free to tell us about you, your band, and your setup in the Gig Performer in Action section.

We like to see you grow and we feature your work in our in newsletter. We are happy to see your band get recognized and succeed.

[4] Backstage with Gig Performer

If you have an interesting use case in Gig Performer, we invite you to participate in our
Backstage with Gig Performer show.

You can check out our existing episodes here.

To wrap up, if you happen to be a developer and you found some ways to improve Gig Performer’s feature set, you can share an extension with us.

Here is the list of currently available extensions.

How you can contribute outside the community forum

We are very grateful to everybody who spreads the word about Gig Performer. We often like to say – if you are happy with it, tell your friends. Here are some simple ways that are small but effective.

[1] Put Gig Performer in your signature in other forums

One simple way is to just out Gig Performer in your signature. (if this feature is available on a forum)

We have already seen such examples:

A simple and effective way that would help Gig Performer to be noticed. Thanks @themaartian :slight_smile:

[2] You can mention Gig Performer on other forums or social media groups

Needless to say, if you:

  • share a Gig Performer blog article in e.g. a Facebook group or a forum.
  • write a comment in other groups explaining how you solved (or you can solve with Gig Performer) a specific problem that an OP has posted.
  • or simply write a quirky remark.

… that will help both authors of the respective threads and Gig Performer. As an example, I’ll post a screenshot from the Korg Kronos Facebook group, where the Kronos 3 has been announced:

Thanks, Matthew!

Note that it is also valuable to tag us if you are sharing pictures of using Gig Performer on your own profiles.

NB: I find many great quotes when I search about Gig Performer on the Internet. I have compiled some of them in this thread.

[3] Videos

We are happy to see people posting videos on YouTube. Beside a great content in English, I have compiled many great videos in German and in Portuguese.

A Big Thank You!

Thank you for all you do. Our Year In Review articles and Resources show the strength of this community forum and everybody’s contribution.

Like described in this blog article we also feel gratefulness for what we are and what we’ve become.

If you have any ideas, feel free to write me directly on this forum or on Facebook. :slight_smile: