VB-Audio Matrix

The VB-Audio Matrix is an audio framework to connect everything together, channel by channel: Several ASIO devices, several Windows devices, several audio Applications and DAW, several Computers.

Now with the VB-Audio Matrix, all audio streams can be managed, routed and mixed together, from your USB MIC to any ASIO devices, from your ASIO device to any audio applications, to or from Voicemeeter to Discord, Zoom or Ableton Live, to or from all other computer thanks to VBAN streaming features… All connections will be possible channel by channel.

Standalone Application and Virtual Audio Device supporting MME, DX, WDM, ASIO interfaces.

Donationware License → VBMatrix application is free to use without any functional limitation. You pay what you want when you want if you find it useful.

VBMatrix Application does not need any internet connection and does not collect any user data.

Link: VB-Audio Matrix


I think you weren’t very lucky with Voicemeeter. Can we now get really excited about Matrix? Have you had a chance to test it? Is it stable and very low latency? In short, is it a real alternative for Windows users to the abandonware ASIO Link Pro?

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Just found about it and wanted to share :slight_smile:

That would be very optimistic, but who knows, maybe it is a decent alternative.

ASIO Link Pro has (near) zero latency, that developer was very skilled, indeed.

Latency in Matrix → LINK


I will give it a thorough test and let you know how it compares to ASIO Link Pro.


I did some tests a few weeks ago briefly. I didn’t save any result, but when combining 4 ‘cheap’ USB audio interfaces (1 x scarlet 2i4, 1 x Behringer UMC202HD, 2 x Behringer UMC404HD), the latency was unusably high.

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It would be interesting to test 4 high-end audio interfaces to find out whether the problem lies with the interfaces or the software.

Besides, every program or piece of hardware has its limits, and I can’t see the use of so many audio interfaces, except in the context of an event big enough to require all this equipment, in which case we wouldn’t be using cheap products but professional solutions up to the challenge :wink:

Something I’d really like to test, although till this far for Windows I haven’t found a viable option when it comes to using multiple I/O audio devices. Only Blue Cat comes rather close to a solution. But maybe there’s a pleasant surprise in store…

I’ve had a chance to work with VB-Audio Matrix for the last day or so. It definitely has an impressive array of options, far greater than the other VB-Audio products I’ve tried in the past.

There are 5 differrent types of slots available for use.

  • ASIO Devices : This is where you can select up to 3 different audio devices to base your routing off of.

  • Windows Devices : There are up to 4 different slots here for Windows Audio devices.

  • Virtual Audio I/O : There are 4 slots here for Virtual Audio, used for playing back audio files, websites, Windows sounds etc.

  • VB-Audio Network : Up to 4 different slots here for various streaming purposes.

  • Virtual ASIO devices : Here’s the one that pertains to GP. There are up to 4 different types of virtual drivers available here: an 8 channel, (2)-64 channel, and a 128 channel. Each has a limited number of clients that can be used for each virtual driver.

ScreenHunter 39

I have successfully used it for 4 instances of GP, using two of the different ASIO configurations available. My main instance of GP contains my guitar setup, and it also houses Mobius. All other instances route back to this main instance for looping and final mixing, so for this instance I am using VASIO64A driver. My other 3 instances use the VASIO8 driver.

The routing matrix is similar to what many of you have seen in audio device software, with plenty of options available for naming, db levels, muting etc.

Easy to navigate, modern look and functionality. Definitely a big step up in that way from ASIO Link Pro, and is also far more stable.

Now for the downside:

As @Michelkeijzers mentioned, there is some added latency involved. I didn’t notice it much at all when playing through one of the drivers directly to the main output. However, the added latency shows up when routing sound between the drivers, as I do with 3 of my instances of GP into my main instance. It’s not extreme, but definitely noticeable when playing a percussion-type instrument. I was able to correct for this added latency by lowering the buffer size. Thankfully I have a machine that can handle running with that lowered buffer, but for those who are already close to maxing out their machine’s capacity at their current buffer, VB-Audio Matrix is probably not going to work for you until you upgrade your machine.

Also, while it is donationware, apparently after 30 days there will be some sort of prompt to suggest purchasing a license. I don’t know what this will look like as A) I’ve only used the app for a few days, and B) I donated and am licensed. Each license is only good for 1 PC. It is donationware though, so the app will remain fully functional even without a license.

All in all, this app easily rivals ASIO Link Pro, with a few tradeoffs here and there. ASIO Link Pro is completely free, without any prompt to buy a license. There’s also no added latency in ASIO Link Pro. It is abandonware however. The interface is old and clunky. It’s less stable and more quirky.

So, there’s my 2 cent report on VB-Audio Matrix. I’m going to continue to use it with my setup. It hasn’t crashed yet, and I’ve put it through many hours of use with 4 instances of GP running my full instrument and vocal setups. I know that I can always revert to ASIO Link Pro if I start encountering issues, so its a win-win as far as I’m concerned. There’s also the promise of updates and improvements on this app in the future.

I’d say that if you’re a Windows user looking for a multi-client ASIO solution, give this one a try.


So, there is in VB-Audio Matrix…:face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Thanks for this feedback @edm11 :wink:

If you aren’t routing audio between instances or other apps, it’s a very small amount.

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After using this for a few weeks, I have gone back to ASIO Link Pro for the time being. Routing between instances simply had too much latency for my liking, and I was not comfortable with the extra CPU load by lowering the buffer to compensate.

I have been in contact with the creator of Matrix, and let him know about the latency issues when routing between ASIO instances using Matrix. He indicated that he could improve overall latency, at the cost of being less stable. I suggested a ‘Performance mode’ in the future for such a thing, and he seemed receptive to the idea.

So, we shall see if future updates for Matrix can address this issue. It still works very well if there’s no need to route ASIO instances between each other. I am hopeful.


That seems like a very expensive cost

I suspect this is already how ASIO Link Pro operates—exposing the system at such a deep and direct level as to create near-zero latency at the cost of being ‘less stable’. I am more concerned with it being abandonware and not being compatible in some future Windows OS update than I am with its instability.

So, if VB-Audio Matrix can end up replicating what ASIO Link Pro does, and can provide updates to keep compatible with OS updates, it will be well worth the ‘cost’ of less stability, IMO.

Yes, I’m just wondering exactly what would be done to reduce latency that would make it be less stable. A lower latency system that crashes during a show doesn’t sound particularly appealing to me!

I agree, crashes must be mitigated.
The stability conversation is more about learning and following applicable operating procedures and order of operations. ASIO Link Pro is perfectly stable when you stay within the margins of those procedures. However, If you want to change sample rates or buffers on the fly with 3 instances open—well, its not going to be stable, no. That’s not something you should be doing during a show anyway, so that’s not the kind of ‘stability’ that concerns me.

As an analogy, consider a Formula One race car.
To the average driver, it would be an unwieldy, unstable, and unsafe vehicle to drive around town with. However, if you put a seasoned Formula One driver behind the wheel, and put it on a track it was meant for, then you will witness a masterclass in high level performance driving.
If you want a more ‘stable’ vehicle, you can visit your local dealership for any number of those.
If you want Formula One results, it requires a lot more study, discipline, and sticking to specific operating parameters.

That’s what I’m looking for: The highest performance, while accepting and understanding the risks, and the necessity of staying within a stable operations framework.


We have to be very sure about this… :grimacing:

To extend your analogy: changing sample rates or buffers with 3 instances open is like applying a new road deck to a F1 circuit, while a race is taking place

A quick update for anyone interested in this app: The developer is very close to releasing an update for Matrix (should be within the next week or so). He has taken my advice and is including a ’ Latency Performance Mode’ with this update. I am hopeful that it will provide latency numbers similar to ASIO Link Pro, while remaining stable for live use.

We shall see…


Thanks for the update! :beers:

Any news on this? I just tried Matrix Coconut. I noticed using it for 1 ASIO device it didn’t seem to add any latency, and was quite happy with how it worked. I haven’t tried combining multiple interfaces yet. However, I did try using VBAN to send audio to another computer on my network. I’ve been dreaming of a near zero way to send audio between computers on my network, similar to how Dante works. I found that VBAN itself definitely adds some latency, but by changing the buffer size to 64 samples on both computers, it was almost acceptable for realtime use. However, as you mentioned this requires a powerful computer to run at such low buffer sizes.

Do you happen to know where in the User Interface the "Performance Mode’ settings are?