Rackspaces go 'dead' randomly

reload the same, I am having issues with all gig files… and its random rackspaces that go ‘dead’ each time i load, not consistent.

If you double-click the PANIC button, does the rackspace also come back to life?

good idea, tried many times, does not fix the rackspace.

only thing that fixes it, (temporarily) is disconnecting ANY blue lead, or reimporting rackspace

see how there is only ONE blue lead now from the Mini V3… thats all i have to do, and the rackspace springs back to life (yes, then i can reconnect the other blue lead back)

Seems this comes from missing samples Kontakt wants to load.

I am not using Kontakt on any rackspaces… and definitely not on any of the ones going ‘dead’.

(also I don’t get this error message)

OK, I see you are using the Kontakt Play series within Komplete and as I did not install all libraries I get this message.

ha! yes, i see that now, so in a way, I AM using kontakt.

I did just go to the manual, to find the proper term for the ‘blue lead’. So now i am using the correct term "Audio Connection’

That audio connection… when i disconnect one of them, the entire rackspace suddenly starts working again.

So… what goes on when you disconnect an ‘audio connection’?

thanks, Eric

I did what I could, play notes from Ableton Live and switch rackspaces => no issue at all.
But Loading time is much longer than in my really complex gig.
Why do you need a plugin in Gig performer which again hosts plugins?
So do you really need Komplete Kontrol?
That is an overhead which is not really needed - in my opinion.

And I think Komplete Kontrol is not designer for such systems like Gig Performer where you can host the same plugin in different rackspaces which are not parallel like it would be in a DAW.

When you take a look at the NI website they do officially only support DAW where you have tracks and switch between instances of Komplete Kontrol.

Maybe you face a side effect.

Can you test with using the plugins directly which are now embedded on Komplete Kontrol, just to see if the issue still exists?


lol, yes, I was just doing that! :slight_smile: It will be a long arduous process.

Most of my patches, my custom patches were done in KK, not even sure if i can use those without KK, so would have to custom build them all again? do you know?

I do not know because I do not know which Komplete Bundle you have.
I have Komplete Ultimate Collector’s Edition :wink:

Nice! …

I have komplete 13, similar i would think except you have 100k more patches, just a few!

I DID find some of my custom presets in massive x… i was so dependent on KK, as that was all my sound orginazation… and now i am up against learning curve of each ‘instrument’

and still don’t know if this fixes the issue

So the question is, if you can save a sound which is now embedded on Komplete Kontrol can be saved as a preset in the used plugin?

When you go to edit view

Kontakt as instrument should be shown and then you can save the sound as Kontakt instrument.

Same should be possible with Massive X etc.

will give that a try, thanks… could be time consuming as u can see, and we still don’t know if this is the answer :thinking:

I am sure at least the loading time will decrease significantly and as I am using the same instruments as I saw in your gig - I have all Arturia plugins - I never face that issue you describe.
I think it is worth the work in every aspect.

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This may be a silly question, but…

In the gig file you uploaded earlier, in the rackspace you said didn’t produce a sound (don’t you want me baby) there is only one VSTi in the rackspace (B3-V2). In the gig you uploaded that VSTi is bypassed. Meaning no sound, and no response to clicking on the virtual keys.

In your Gig file there is exactly one other VST currently bypassed. That’s Solid EQ in the 300 Melt/etc. rackspace.

The odd coincidence I see is that both of these VSTs have the same “id” in the gig file. They are both “30” in their respective rackspaces. You can’t see this “id” field unless you edit the gig file manually (which I wouldn’t normally suggest).

It’s such a strange coincidence that it has me wondering if something strange is happening to put VSTs in different racks into bypass mode.

Do you normally use the bypass function to turn different VST’s on and off?

If you can mess around until a different rackspace exhibits the problem, can you save that and upload that one also?

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@EricD: Maybe stupid question:
Did you manipulate the Gig File with an external editor?

I would never do that, I am already losing hair without going down that path hahaha

@Vindes I am going to absorb what you found… i dont’ fully understand yet… i don’t see any ‘bypassed’ plugins on the rackspaces gone ‘dead’ for sure, and i don’t use that feature much.

the rackspaces only go dead after i reload the gig file, and if i save it, i could reload it and it works fine…but others may or may not work… more on this, right now i am reducing the number of komplete kontrol plugins to see if that stops the issue… time consuming … but worth it i hope

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How is it going without Komplete kontrol?

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