My experience with GP

These are crash reports from another computer running windows (26.3 KB)

VB3 and the demo version of Blue 3

Which hammond do you like better, VB3 or Blue 3.

In my experience vb3 sounds better than blue3 for playing rockmusic because if the better overdrive.
But in a context of a band blue3 cuts through.

I had everything checked during installation.

Do you see VB-II VST2 version in Plugin Manager?

When you scroll down, does it appear as VB3-II or similar?

No, In green there is only VB3 Vst3 and in red only native instruments

Which path did you use to install the VST2 version?
Can you find it via windows explorer on your harddisk?
When you installed in a custom folder, did you tell Plugin Manager where to scan?

And this path is scanned by plugin manager?

Did you find the VST2 dll on your harddisk?

I’ve already done it. I still have big shortcomings. I have to make order in the plugins. I have always used the default settings during installations. Thank you for your patience.
Now should I replace all plugins with VST2?

Replace VB3-II VST3 version with the VST2 version and check if crashes still occur.

Right now I also uploaded the Vst2 plugin to Gig and crashed the Gig program. Today for the third time. In two cases VB3 Vst3 and Demo Blue 3 and last only Vst (5.9 KB)

So it crashes only using vst2 version of Vb3-II
and only using blue3 did crash also?

The last crash was only with VB3 Vst2

What audio interface are you using?

USB, M-Audio Delta 1010 LT

Ok, please do a test with the gig and only using the inbuilt sound card,