As other GP users, I’ve also tried to use the MOXF VSTi in its standalone version as a plugin in Gig Performer, but in my setup I could not make MOXF VSTi MIDI port 1, needed for the communication with GP, accessible outside Cubase. But the GP Relayer provides an elegant route to establish this communication.
Without further ado, the steps I took are outlined in the next sessions.
Gig Performer Side
Let’s configure our GP Rackspace. The one I am using looks like this:
I’ve edited the names of the widgets slightly, but they are regular inputs/outputs and GP Relayer.
My MIDI In is configured like in the figure below. I chose to reroute all MIDI channels to channel #1 because I’m using the MOXF VSTi VOICEs but you can be creative here. See Sending MIDI directly to the physical MOXF workstation for a short discussion on how MIDI works in each MOXF playing mode.