Sending MIDI directly to the physical MOXF workstation

Sending MIDI directly to the physical MOXF workstation

NOTE: I’ll post figures separately due to limitations for being a new user.

This method does NOT require using the VSTi or DAW. Start by recalling that the MOXF places a VOICE on:

  1. A single MIDI channel (default is channel #1) when using the VOICE and PERFORMANCE modes, or
  2. On every one of the 16 MIDI channels when using any of the MIXING modes (SONG or PATTERN). The default in this case is that the voice on MOXF’s mixing track #N gets placed on MIDI channel #N (i.e., voice on MOXF track #1 is on MIDI channel #1, voice on MOXF track #2 on MIDI channel #2 etc.)

Select MOXF’s quick setup #6 (VST Play). This sets up your MOXF for use along with an external tool such as VST host or DAW. Among other things, it disables local audio, so you make sure that whatever you hear is intermediated via MIDI communication between GP and your MOXF :slight_smile:. Now, follow one of the methods outlined below depending on the MOXF mode you intend to use.

GP Setup for MOXF’s VOICE or PERFORMANCE modes:

  • Create a Rackspace looking like the one the Figure 1 (the name of the audio and MIDI inputs/outputs may differ)

  • Configure the MIDI In as in Figure 2

  • And, for MIDI Out, as in Figure 3

The most important thing to observe is that, in MIDI Out, we selected the configs in Figure 4. This tells **MIDI Out to (i) send its messages through MIDI channel #1 which, as discussed, is where MOXF places its VOICEs when in VOICE and PERFORMANCE modes.

:arrow_forward: :musical_keyboard: You should now be able to play your MOXF via MIDI through GP :slight_smile:

GP Setup for MOXF’s MIXING modes (SONG or PATTERN):

This is where you get more power, as you can setup GP so that seamless voice switching on MOXF can be achieved between up to 16 pre-selected voices.

Start in your MOXF by creating a SONG or PATTERN (hereafter referred to as MIXING) with a selection of voices you wish to recall. Stay in the MIXING mode you’ve just created.

Now, create a setup looking exactly the same as the one outlined in the previous method and voilà: you are already able to play your MIXING track #1 :slight_smile:

Notice that you may change tracks physically in the MOXF and you will still hear the sound of track #1. This is because we activated Rechannelize incoming messages in the GP MIDI Out setup.

To play MOXF’s MIXING track #N (N=1,2,…,16), repeat the same steps in new Rackspaces, but set MIDI Channel to N (i.e., MIDI Channel should be set to 2 for track #2, 3 for track #3, and so on).

There are quite a few other tweaks you can try, but this should get you started. The other method, using GP Relayer to send MIDI from GP to Cubase, is coming up soon as well :nerd_face:


Figure 1:

Figure 2:

Figure 3:

Figure 4: