Issue with rackspace change

Wouldn’t it be possible to operate a cross fade using the On Deactivate and On Activate callbacks? I don’t know if scripting is possible during transition phases…

Yes he did that already with scripting.
I was searching for a solution right out of the box.

As I see, we have a fade out of the previous rackspace, but not a fade in of the new one. So, I don’t see how we could have a perfect x-fade without scripting…

Aah, maybe a good idea for the devs :wink:

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This is why I have adapted the script above. It works perfectly, adjusting the time values as necessary.
I have already integrated it into all the rackspaces I need and it is really nice to use.

I do not know if many people would find this useful, but in this case it would be interesting in the future to add a Input Fade-in time in the Maximum audio tail lenght window.
Or maybe creating a scriptlet?

I talked nonsense, scriptlet is only for MIDI :grimacing:

I am trying to create a kind of “shortcut” to insert easily this feature in a rackspace when needed.

Sure but you can still control widgets which can then control audio gain

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Yes, this is what I do right now in the gig file uploaded above.

But as I intend to use this rather often, I am looking for a faster way to insert it in a rackspace.

Currently I need to insert a gain control in the wiring window, copy the widget from another rackspace (as it already contains part of parameters) in the panels window, map it to the gain block and insert the script in the rackspace.

But even if I must do it like this, it is a wonderful trick offered by GP :smiley:

In addition, I use now inside a rackspace the x-fader scriptlet available here that advantageously replaces Melda MRatio.

I do not know if such a scriplet could be feasable for crossfade of an audio block between two rackspaces.

Wonderful Scriptlet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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