Help Debugging a Function?

Hello all. I’m taking a crack at my first custom function, after @dhj graciously demonstrated their power to me in another thread.

I have a Fantom 6 workstation, and I was hoping to create a Rackspace with two widgets that could control the “scene” selection. The Fantoms are arranged in 4 banks (A, B, C, D) with 127 programs in each bank. The workstation listens for bank and program messages on channel 16, by default.

First, I created a lengthy script in my usual, inelegant fashion until it was accomplishing what I wanted: one knob to control the scene banks, and one to select the program. The midi message is sent when either one of the knobs is turned.

The code is:

var fantom_bank, fantom_program, toggle: Widget
    var fantomMSB : Integer = 85
    var fantomChannel : Integer = 16
    var fantomOut : MidiOutBlock

On WidgetValueChanged(w: Widget, index: Integer, newValue: Double) from fantom_bank, fantom_program
    var fantomLSB : Integer
    var fantomMSB: Integer = 85
    var fantomChannel : Integer = 16
    var fantomProgramNumber : Integer
    if index == 0 then
                fantomLSB = ScaleRange(newValue, 0, 3)
                if fantomLSB == 0 then
                        SetWidgetLabel(fantom_bank, "A")
                    elsif fantomLSB == 1 then
                        SetWidgetLabel(fantom_bank, "B")
                    elsif fantomLSB == 2 then
                        SetWidgetLabel(fantom_bank, "C")
                    elsif fantomLSB == 3 then
                        SetWidgetLabel(fantom_bank, "D")
               fantomProgramNumber = ScaleRange(GetWidgetValue(fantom_program), 0, 127)
    elsif index == 1 then
            fantomLSB = ScaleRange(GetWidgetValue(fantom_bank), 0, 3)
            fantomProgramNumber = ScaleRange(newValue, 0, 127)
            SetWidgetLabel(fantom_program, fantomProgramNumber + 1)

    SendNowExternal(fantomOut, MakeControlChangeMessageEx(0, fantomMSB, fantomChannel))
    SendNowExternal(fantomOut, MakeControlChangeMessageEx(32, fantomLSB, fantomChannel))
    SendNowExternal(fantomOut, MakeProgramChangeMessageEx(fantomProgramNumber, fantomChannel))

Next, I attempted to write a custom function that would simplify it. I really thought I’d done it; testing the two different rackspaces with a MIDI monitor on the output I was getting the exact same messages. However, when physically connected to my Fantom, only the first script works. The second does nothing. The custom function version is:

var fantom_bank, fantom_program: Widget
var fantomOut : MidiOutBlock //this midi out block must exist and be routed physically to your Fantom
var fantomMSB : Integer = 85 //85 is the default MSB for the Fantom
var fantomLSB : Integer  //LSB will be set by the Fantom widget
var fantomProgramNumber : Integer //Integer value of the fantom program change
var fantomChannel : Integer = 16 //ch 16 is the default channel for receiving scene control on Fantom, change if you change inside the fantom
var fantomSceneBank : String Array = ["A", "B", "C", "D"] //scene banks in the fantom are categorized as A000-D127

    Function SetFantomScene (fantomMSB : Integer, fantomProgramNumber : Integer, fantomChannel: Integer)
        fantomLSB = ScaleRange(GetWidgetValue(fantom_bank), 0, 3) //Scales the fantom_program widget to an integer between 0 and 3
        fantomProgramNumber = ScaleRange(GetWidgetValue(fantom_program), 0, 127) //Labels the fantom_program widget based on the scaled value
        SetWidgetLabel(fantom_bank, fantomSceneBank[fantomLSB])//Labels the fantom_bank widget based on fantomSceneBank String Array
        SetWidgetLabel(fantom_program, fantomProgramNumber + 1)//Offset the label by 1 to match the Fantom's display
        SendNowExternal(fantomOut, MakeControlChangeMessageEx(0, fantomLSB, fantomChannel)) //LSB
        SendNowExternal(fantomOut, MakeControlChangeMessageEx(32, fantomMSB, fantomChannel))//MSB
        SendNowExternal(fantomOut, MakeProgramChangeMessageEx(fantomProgramNumber, fantomChannel))//Program Change Message
On WidgetValueChanged(newValue: Double) from fantom_bank, fantom_program

    SetFantomScene (fantomMSB, fantomProgramNumber, fantomChannel)

I’m trying to understand where I’ve gone astray. I just can’t understand why I would be getting identical outgoing messages, and yet the second option doesn’t control the scenes on the workstation. Please help if you see something wrong.

Fantom Controller.gig (83.5 KB)

P.S…I’m trying to upload the gig file, but getting this message:


Can’t seem to edit my posts, a la How do you Edit a post?

Try again please. I raised your use status one step… that should have removed the restrictions.


Editing works! Still cannot upload gig file without the above error message?

Edit: Drag and drop did the trick.

Fantom Controller.gig (83.5 KB)

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Minor comment: there’s no point passing those 3 variables to your function, as they are either global variables, or calculated within your function itself.

Understood. That makes sense when I look at it again. Any idea on why the function doesn’t control my workstation but the first Rackspace script does?

I don’t know if that makes a diffrence, but you could try to send the MSB before the LSB… at least this is the sequence you used in the first script.


Good eye! I’ll try this today. Makes sense.

Even beyond that…I had transposed MSB and LSB messages. I was sending MSB as CC32 and LSB as CC0 instead of vice versa. That’s why the first one worked and the second didn’t.

Thanks for putting me on the right path with your sharp eyes!


All valid, for learning…

Here is a simple way doable with a scriptlet :wink: