How do you Edit a post?

I don’t see an Edit mode or button anywhere - sometimes I need to fix a typo after I’ve submitted a post or a reply

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Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-18 um 19.19.59

That button doesn’t appear for me. Do I need to reach a certain level of community usage first?

It should appear at the bottom of your post.

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as you can see from my image, it does not

Maybe your posts need more background :wink:

Just kidding

Well, if anybody has an idea why the Edit button would be missing for me, I’d love to hear it. I’ve tried Chrome on both platforms, as well as Safari on Mac and MS Edge on Windows. No Edit button.

Maybe after some more posts, the system changes and you get the edit function.

That’s what I was thinking, but it doesn’t really make sense b/c I’ve been posting for over a year, and I have 7 badges including “Editor”

I can see 3 posts of you

Can you now edit a new post?

Yes, you fixed it! Thank you!!!

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Did you need to change something? I noticed I don’t have the edit button either (I noticed after posting with several typos).

Try again

Great! Thanks!

Hello Paul,
I’d also like to have an edit button, plenty of small typos and weird grammar errors here and there. Just now noticed when I wanted to edit a post and couldn’t locate the edit button anywhere.

You have to be a regular member of the community to “earn” editing privileges. The forum system automatically gives you more “power” over time. It is one of the ways that the forums are protected from getting lots of spam

Oh, sorry!
I remember reading the Discourse article about different trust levels when I received the “basic user”-status (got curious and clicked the link), but apparently every forum can make their own rules when it comes to naming the different levels and giving different priviledges. In the “default settings” described in the article it seems that some editing functionality would be available already before being a “regular”, but I can understand if you have altered the settings to suit this forum better.

I guess I’ll have to wait for a while before getting “promoted” since I tend to be more of a lurker on most forums I join :slightly_smiling_face: took a few months before I actually got myself to register. But all in good time!

We have not altered those settings. You’re a “Basic User” and according to discourse, to be come a “Member” (Trust level 2) you have to do more than be a “lurker” :slight_smile: