Gig Performer's "Built In" Looper! (And how to use it)

Since version 4, Gig Performer has come bundled with Overloud’s TH-U Essential version - for those that haven’t opened it, this is a guitar amp sim/FX modeller (and a great one at that).

But what it also has in it is a 2-track looper, hidden away in the top right corner. Which means that GP4 actually comes with a looper!

It works really well and has host tempo quantization, undo, clear, overdub, etc to put it pretty much on par with Ableton Live’s built in looper; but it also has two separate tracks which is helpful and obviously doesn’t require routing audio out of GP in to Live.

However, there are some downsides:

  • Overloud have not made the controls for the looper automatable which means they cannot be assigned to GP widgets
  • The controls are MIDI mappable, but have a slightly weird design which - whilst possible - makes it inconvenient to control with most MIDI controllers
  • There is no feedback of the looper state so widgets or MIDI controllers with LEDs, screens etc cannot show you what is happening with the looper.

So is it all doom and gloom?

No! Gig Performer to the rescue!

I’ve created a Scriptlet that attaches to the MIDI in port of TH-U to give full control over the looper in a sensible manner and with feedback available! Now you can control the looper from rackspace widgets as you would any other plugin and are able to get feedback back to your MIDI controller, OSC display, etc as you like.

I’ve tested it and it seems robust - but let me know if anything doesn’t work!

There are four files attached:

The main one - and only one you really need - is the THU Looper Control Scriptlet. This is attached as a scriptlet preset; simply add a scriptlet block and load this preset and then ‘attach’ it to THU as below.
TH-U Looper Control Scriptlet.gpp_internal (22.3 KB)

There is also a rack panel with the full control set - you can either use this directly or as a starting point for your own rack panel.
TH-U Looper Control Panel.gppanel (318.7 KB)

Then there is a gig file file with the whole lot in connected up so you can have a play:
THU Looper Control Gig.gig (346.0 KB)

And finally a THU preset which is completely blank that you can use to make setup quicker.
TH-U Looper Blank.gpp_vst3 (4.2 KB)

Usage notes are in the Gig File, but also pasted below for convenience.

Enjoy and let me know when you break it!

========= OVERLOUD TH-U LOOPER CONTROL ===========

The THU Looper Control scriptlet allows control of THUs internal looper with a common layout of momentary switches (rather than the slightly obscure way it’s implemented in THU). It also allows feedback to an external device which is not possible by MIDI mapping to THU alone.

Wiring Setup:

  • Add an instance of THU and remove anything you don’t want to use (use the preset supplied with the scriptlet to start from a blank slate)
  • Import the THU Looper Control scriptlet and add it to the rackspace
  • Connect the MIDI out of the scriptlet to the MIDI In of TH-U

Rack Panel Setup:

Any widgets (within reason) can be used for control; however the following are recommended:

  • Add 4x momentary widgets for each looper channel you want to use and assign these to Record/Play/Overdub, Stop, Clear, and Undo of the scriptlet
  • Add a label widget and assign it to the looper channel state
  • Add 3x LEDs and assign them to Recording, Playing, and Memory for each channel
  • Add a knob for each channel and assign to the level controls
  • Add 2x momentary widgets for Global stop and clear
  • Add a switch for MIDI learn mode

Easiest is to use the rack-panel included with the scriptlet.

No GPscript naming is required and the widgets can be assigned to any MIDI command and/or grouped as you wish.

Usage Note:

The key thing to note is to ONLY control the looper using the widgets (and any MIDI device attached to them) and NOT to use the controls within the TH-U plugin window - there is no direct synchronisation and performing an operation directly in TH-U will get the widgets out of sync with what is actually happening. If this happens - simply use the WIDGETS and click CLEAR ALL. This will reset both TH-U and the scriptlet to the same state


Sadly these options are not exposed to MIDI so you can only set them using the TH-U interface.

MIDI Learn:

Before use you will need to learn TH-U to the MIDI that is sent from the scriptlet.

A MIDI learn mode is provided that disables the state machine in the scriptlet and just sends out the MIDI. Set this to active and then learn each of the momentary buttons to their respective commands in TH-U. Also do this for the level knobs (if using)

You don’t need to do anything with the label (looper state) and led (recording, playing, memory status) widgets.


To use, simply press the buttons - or activate the midi control attached to the widget - as you wish with any normal looper.

From the “Cleared” state, the main button to press is “Record/Play/Overdub”. Pressing this successively runs through the states:

Cleared → Recording → Overdubbing → Playing → Overdubbing → Playing

Press stop to stop recording/dubbing/playing but keeping the recorded loop in memory. You can then press Record/Play/Dub again to start playing; successive presses will toggle overdub/play until stopped.

Undo will clear the last dub on the respective channel.

Clear will clear all recordings for the channel.

If one channel is overdubbing and you select overdub on the other channel, the first will automatically switch to play.

If one channel is “Recording” (first record after a clear) then pressing Record/Play/Overdub on the other channel will set that channel to “Play” and not Record or Overdub.

Pressing Stop All will stop both tracks but keep all loops in memory.

Pressing Clear All will clear the loops of both tracks. Pressing this whilst tracks are playing/recording/dubbing will instantly stop all tracks and clear the memory.


My Feedback: It looks really good, but the TH-U Looper it’s not a real 2 channel looper - I mean, you can not have 2 seperate length of loops (if needed) … okay for that - I use a second instance … and the plugin effects - “If one channel is overdubbing and you select overdub on the other channel, the first will automatically switch to play. If one channel is “Recording” (first record after a clear) then pressing Record/Play/Overdub on the other channel will set that channel to “Play” and not Record or Overdub.” … a bit crazy … but not your script - this is really fine!

so, but to use channel 1 and a second instance of both is cool! now two different lengths.

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Ah yes, that is a good point - but as you say easy to use two instances as it is very lightweight.

Glad you are enjoying it! Let me know if you spot any issues with it :slight_smile:

for me - the usability and issues are not in your script → the clear and undo functions are not really handy but that’s a problem inside the plugin. but thank you for the (free looper) tip! i’m using the enso looper.

my optimized Rackspace with automatic-fading volume:
TH-U Looper.rackspace (304.8 KB)

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Haha, great stuff - that was the next thing I was going to add in! Was going to add it in as a fade+stop option though.

Great stuff here! Thanks for sharing guys! Looking forward to checking them out soon!

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Getting a script error due to widgets not being named as per the script. Which widgets are supposed to be:
grp1_btn1 : Widget
grp1_btn2 : widget
grp1_btn3 : widget
lbl_msg1 : widget
sl_res : widget


Just started playing with this. Looks super fun so far, but right at the start I was confused that the “stop all” and “clear all” are sending the same midi message. Is this by design or mistake? I edited to script so one is G and the other is G#. Just double checking. Thanks for this great work!

PS: What (if anything) is supposed to be midi learned for the “looper start/stop” option in TH-U? (The first option…)

Seems like the “undo” and “clear” track commands do not work unless the loop is stopped first. I realize this is TH-U’s behavior not the script. Seems inconvenient if after overdubbing you want to keep the original loop going, but want to undo the overdub.

Thak you - is corrected, there was a rackspace script in … removed the undo button → and the clear is now clear all in the new rackspace file - check it out.

Ah yes, sorry, missed that - no idea how it managed to work for me during testing with them both set the same?!? Will correct it and post again, but the fix is identical to what you have done.

As for the looper start/stop, there isn’t anything in this control scheme to map to that. That is a global start/stop for both channels. I’ll have a look and do an update with this option available.

Glad you are enjoying it :slight_smile: (and yes, there are some slightly strange implementation quirks from TH-U but overally it’s a good little basic looper)

These both work great! I don’t think the “clear” works per “track” or “channel”. The “clear all” has to be hit to be able to record a new loop. Unless I’m doing something wrong…?

I came across this scriptlet recently and it sounded pretty interesting so I was trying it out today. However, it didn’t work for me. I loaded the gig file and where the TH-U plugin should be it says TH-U (missing) even though TH-U is installed and active.

Screenshot 2024-02-12 200042

So I replaced the missing plugin with the TH-U plugin. However, it seems the commands of the script are not connected to the plugin anymore. Whatever I do to the commmands of the script, the plugin won’t do anything.

I then tried inserting just the scriptlet into my own gig file and connected it to the TH-U plugin, result stays the same. Just to be sure the TH-U plugin isn’t the problem I then directly controlled the plugin within the plugin window and it worked.

Obviously I’m missing a key piece here, but what is it?

Thanks for any help and of course for posting the scriptlet in the first place. I love it how people share magnificent tools within this community that I would never be able to come up with by myself.

Do you have the vst3 version of the plugin installed? That is what the gig file you downloaded is calling for. For what its worth, I downloaded that file and TH-U shows up fine here.

Thanks! I’ve the VST version instead of vst3. I just don’t know why and how I can get the vst3 version. I tried to modify the GP installation to reinstall TH-U but I couldn’t choose the version. I’ll try to figure it out and if I do I’ll post it here…

I’ve sent you a private message.