Creating rackspaces without gear attached

Greetings all,

Is there a way that I can create rackspaces that use my physical rig without the rig attached? I’ve defined the rig in Rig Manager (with the rig attached to my computer), but there doesn’t seem to be a way to use those definitions without having the computer and the rig connected.

If indeed this cannot be done in the current version of GP, this would be a very handy feature to have. With such a feature, one could prepare a set of rackspaces for use in advance (say, at home without the rig present), then take the computer to rehearsal or a gig (!) and just plug in and go.


I think this can be done very easy

Define a new rig and give it a name, for example Virtual
Assign “Local GP Port” to your MIDI device alias

Define your real Rig

As you can see the physical Device is not available, but the MIDI Device alias has the same name as in the virtual named Rig.

This way you can design your rackspaces using the “Virtual” rig with the correct MIDI In plugins and when your device is available just use that “Real” rig.

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Hi pianopaul,

I tried your suggestion, and it works for one MIDI controller. However, I have five controllers, two of which are duplicates, and only one of the five shows up in the dropdowns.

Then you need a virtual MIDI solution.
Are you on Windows or Mac?

Hi pianopaul,

I’m on a Mac (Monterey)

Then you can define Virtual MIDI and use that in Gig Performer

And use that in Rig Manager

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Just be very careful to never use the MIDI In Omni block, anywhere!


Hi pianopaul,

I had to look up how to create virtual MIDI ports (Audio MIDI Setup), but once I got over that hump, things fell into place. Thanks!


Is it possible to create a virtual midi out block?

Yes, it is:


But you cannot use it in the context of aliases and the Rig Manager.