[2] Creating rackspaces along with Rig Manager aliases without a MIDI controller attached - LINK
[3] How to use GPScript to set explicit widget values in different variations - LINK
[4] A plugin in a non active rackspace might consume a certain amount of RAM but shouldn’t use much CPU power. Same as a bypassed plugin - LINK
[5] Is it better to use variations or rackspaces for your patch? → Solid tip to help you decide - LINK
[6] Putting the same plugin in multiple rackspaces does not significantly increase physical RAM because the DLLs are shared – only the instance data is duplicated. - Mute vs. BlockNoteOn for CPU Usage - #8 by dhj ; LINK2
[7] How to change the underlying MIDI Input device for all MIDI In Blocks in all Rackspaces → LINK
[8] Every time you leave a variation, Gig Performer captures the current widget values so that it can reset them back when you return to that variation. → LINK
Q: Is it possible that the CPU spikes occur in rackspaces that don’t have an instance of a faulty plugin in them?
A: It is possible that the plugin implementation has some other non-audio threads running, possibly running erroneously at high priority. Those would be running all the time, regardless of whether the plugin was in the active rackspace.
I opted not to use the Neural DSP Gojira Preset function due to a slight delay when changing presets through the plugin, which results in noticeable audio cuts.
In my experience, saving parameters within Gig Performer rackspace variations offers a faster and smoother transition.
Hmm… changing a plugin’s preset (here: NDSP Gojira) means, that everything within the plugin is most probably re-initialized and adjusted (amp model type, effects, EQ settings, microphone settings,…) while using rackspace variations only affect those parameters which are mirrored by a widget on the panel… this might obviously happen much faster, depending on what specific parameters are actually to be changed.
So, i’m not entirely sure if those two approaches can be compared with each other.
Hi everybody, I have an additional question about variations: Is there a possibility to save variations in a way, that when returning to a variation, it remembers a specific setting and not the “last used” one?
just to clarify, when, for instance, I have a variation Rhodes with chorus, but while playing I decide to change some parameters of that chorus, later in the set I come back to that variation and need the parameters to be reseted to the original variation value, how do I do that?
Use SetList Mode
Create a Song with Song Parts
Each Song Part reference a variation.
As long as you do not ignore variations in Widget properties every time you switch to a song part (which references a variation) the widget values are recalled how they are defined in the variation.
Thanks ! This is a nice workaround ! Funny thing that even in the Rackspace selection of the setlist Window the values keep returning to their original state when fiddling around with one variation and then switch to next and back…