CPU issue in GigPerformer

I see. :slight_smile:

Extra work or some ‘extra miles’ are never a problem for me, but there are several issues with these lists. :slight_smile:

1. Forgotten
Although initially interested in these lists, such as this Zero-latency plugins list, people seem to forget about them and do not post in them any more.

2. Possibly inaccurate
The list can be misleading: plugin updates can (say) either increase CPU cycles and add latency or the other way round - can be optimized and/or reduce additional latency.

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When I was writing my post, I had already thought of your answers and I knew it wouldn’t really be relevant.
So I think this thread “CPU issue in GigPerformer” is the best place to continue talking about it and posting opinions, even if it’s quickly forgotten.

I think that this thread is not the best thread for this talk :slight_smile:
(the title suggests that there is a CPU issue in Gig Performer itself)

Feel free to create a new thread, say, ‘CPU intensive plugins’ and share your observations. I suppose that there are some usual suspects such as Diva.


Thx!. But the problem is I think you then would need to buy that spesific plugin, or own the V collection.

Also, I own the Stage-73 plugin, and it seems to add around 17% CPU usage by itself. Not so much off a problem when you use it by itself, but when you use it with other CPU heavy stuff it can add up. I bought Lounge Lizard a few days ago, and intend to use that plugin in place of the Arturia Stage-73.

I’ve created a topic, but as I’m not used to or fluent in English, please let me know if there are any clumsinesses or clarifications to be added.

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Not sure why we couldn’t just change the title of this topic!

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