Windows tablet Mode issues

Nice! I am still very much “script” challenged (to put it mildly), would you mind helping me with the script? Does it start with “On WidgetValueChanged”? Then I know it will contain this: “ShowChordProWindow()”

Warm? Cold? LOL

Warm :slight_smile: within the brackets for the open/close function you need to add either true or false (to open or close):


Also add the ‘handle’ for the widget in the Advanced section of the widget properties. This is the name to be used within the script.

The script will end up needing to check what the ‘newValue’ of the widget is and then setting the relevant true/false for the chord function.

I’m not at the computer to help with a complete script.


Well, well, well… I just wrote my first successful script! (with lots of help…LOL) IT WORKED!!! Its ridiculously simple, but a first for me! LOL This should help those with touch screen operation like myself.

I named my widget “LYR” but of course this can be anything

@schamass here is the open/close functionality of the built in chords/lyrics window! :slight_smile:

LYR : Widget

On WidgetValueChanged(newValue : double) from LYR

If (newValue > 0.5)




Maybe you can also do something with the function ToggleTunerVisible()

to close the lyrics/chords window when you activate the tuner


You’re making me work, but I like it! LOL Yeah, if it would automatically close the lyric window first, then it could work!

I am getting an error:
Unknown identifier: ToggleTunerVisible

I do see it in the script “manual” online. Maybe I’m using it wrong?

You’re using the brackets after the function name?

Here is what I’m trying…

TUNER : widget

On WidgetValueChanged(newValue : double) from TUNER

If (newValue > 0.5)


Don’t put anything in the brackets for the toggle tuner. It’s not like the other function, it will simply toggle whatever the current state is.

Still same message:

“GLOBAL RACKSPACE (GlobalRackspace) - Semantic error in “Main”: Line 20, Col 1: Unknown identifier: ToggleTunerVisible”

On WidgetValueChanged(newValue : double) from TUNER

If (newValue > 0.5)


I took a look and the ToggleTunerVisible function can only be used in the Gig Script, not in the global rackspace or standard rackspace scripts. The Gig level script cannot directly interact with widgets.

Workaround is this: make sure OSC is enabled in your GP Options > OSC Setup.
Then use an OSC command to tell GP to activate the tuner:

Var TUNER : Widget
On WidgetValueChanged(newValue : double) from TUNER
    If (newValue > 0.5) Then
        OSC_SendDoubleSpecific ("/TunerView/SetValue", 1.0, "", OSC_GetGPListeningPort ()  )

For fun I made the Scriptlet version:

  toggleView ("Toggle View") : parameter 0..1 = 0;

  view : Integer = 0;
// Called when a parameter value has changed
On ParameterValueChanged matching toggleView

 If toggleView > 0
   // ... view == n ... with n, the number of different view to toggle
   view = If view == 1 Then 0 Else view + 1 End
   // view = 0 displays the Chord Pro Window
   // view = 1 displays the Chord Pro Window
   OSC_SendDoubleSpecific ("/TunerView/SetValue", If view==1 Then 1.0 Else 0.0 End, "", OSC_GetGPListeningPort ());

   // view = 2 to display something
   // ...
  toggleView = 0;

Perhaps I can also share it as a GP favorite which can be copied in the “favorites” folder (menu Window=>Open Content Folders) and inserted in the Wiring view as a favorite. Then assigning a button widget to the “Toggle View” parameter of the Scriptlet plugin should do the job.

ToggleView.gpfav (1.5 KB)


Just so I am clear (and sorry if this is a “duh” level obvious), I would have to use another device (or browser?) to send an OSC command to open the tuner?

Nope, the script is sending the OSC command back to GP. Nothing else required.


Maybe a silly idea, why not use inject midi to map I midi message to the tuner in the global midi options?

Mind blown! It works! Genius! Thank you!


Yep, good option too.

Logical and fair question! This thread and approach was focused on getting the most out of a touch screen operation with minimal midi control availability. Unlike you keyboard players with (seemingly) unlimited controls at your fingertips :wink: , us guitar players either need to lug heavy midi pedals around which take up valuable stage real estate, OR, which makes a lot of sense to me, take maximum advantage of the touch screen functionality which is there anyway.

I have 2 setups. One, for most gigs I take my basic midi controller pedal setup with me which has 6 possible midi assignable options and are all taken up with the most important tasks like next, prev, volume, tap tempo etc… No room for more controls. For larger gigs, I do take my FC-300 tank with me which does give me a lot more controls. However, I like the elegance of clean, minimal setups. A pretty large touch screen tablet is already on the mic stand in tablet/portrait mode, I want to get the most use out of that. I hope to see more touch friendly developments in the future. Some things are still very clunky and difficult to accomplish with touch. Like trying to “catch” and drag the divider line between the songs or rackspaces and the racks or resizing the lyrics window. Or the one that is the most difficult, scrolling through song list in setlist view. WOW! LOL

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Mind blown 2! This has been such a fun learning experiment! Thank you!


Operating Gig Performer through OSC by touch devices works quite well in my experience. Of course, the trick there is you need a decent OSC app and template.

I generally prefer touching real controls, but song selection is one of those things that tends to be easier with a touch screen if you’re not just going “next song” through a defined setlist.

I’m a big proponent of the app “Open Stage Control”. It’s free, open source, cross platform, and operates through a web browser so once you build a template you can use it on any device with a basic web browser.