Using OnSong to Change Rackspace

Hi, all and thank you so much for the help along the way. I’ve just really dug into GP5 and am very excited about using it live for the first time in a couple weeks.

I use an iPad Pro to run OnSong for lyrics/lead sheets and I’m using a MacBook Pro for GP5.

I’d like to be able to choose a song in OnSong on the iPad Pro and have it automatically change the rackspace I’m using.

This way, I can create new songs in OnSong (or import a .pdf) and then create a new rackspace in GP5 and have them synced.

I have a Korg Nanokontrol2 to give me an actual button to choose precious and next rackspaces, it ideally, I’d like to just use OnSong to make those changes in the background.

I saw a blogpost where someone was using OnSong through their Arturia Midicontroller to do this in set list mode, but I just want to use rackspace and not go through midi controller.

Is this possible? I very much appreciate any suggestions from the community!


[blog] How to use OnSong with Gig Performer

You just need to set up OnSong to send PC messages. If you are in the Panels view, it will change rackspaces.

Thank you! Must I assign a cc number and if so, does it matter what numbers I use?

Also, do I need a widget or specific wiring mapping to make this happen?

You should send program change (PC) messages to Gig Performer.

You don’t need widgets. Useful blog article: [blog] Program Change Management

I am trying to this too but just read this and am more unclear than ever and I thought I’d be ok with this having started with hardware sequencers back in the day … although it’s been a long while :slight_smile:

At the moment I am really worried that i’ll get the trial, waste 2 weeks and just totally frustrated

As @npudar noted, you do not use CC numbers, you should use PC (program change) messages

Well, you need to do things in steps. Before you go any deeper, you need to make sure that your iPad is in fact sending program changes and that Gig Performer is receiving them. The latter can be checked by simply opening Gig Performer’s global monitor window and watching what comes in.

However, you might need to talk to the OnSong developers to make sure you are correctly sending PC messages from On Song and that your iPad is properly connected to your computer.

Sending PC changes from an iPad to Gig Performer is a pretty basic operation used by many.

Once you have confirmed that GP is receiving PC messages from your iPad, you can go to the next step which is to make sure that you have configured GP correctly to respond to such messages. See image below.