Usb Keyboard Disconnects/Stops Signal after random amount of time

Think my problem is more to do with the data and not power as my keyboard stays on,
I’m looking at cables and solder connections on impulse circuit board for my faults

Could very well be. But my launchkey also didn’t shut down! It stayed perfectly active, with lights and all.

Could it be that you plugged your devices to the usb ports on the same side of your laptop? I believe these ports are connected to an internal usb hub (inside your laptop), which could drain it and cause the shut-down?

I’m running a desktop with monitor and powered hub

Right. Sorry Simon, I didn’t go through the entire post again, hadn’t realised you’re not using a laptop! I just wanted to add what I discussed with our FOH guys.

You mentioned that the amount of data passing through to your computer could be the case. But that’s all midi, right?
Just our of curiosity: did you try to power your devices (instead of just the hub)?

Impulse keyboard only powered by usb only
Keystation keyboard can be powered by psu or usb

The usb plugs on boards felt loose
I got hot glued the keystaton usb plug and that stopped faults on that board Then did same on impulse board that was half the faults.
Gonna strip boards and check solder joints on those .
I’m pretty sure that the usb system on my desktop has a glitch/fault on motherboard, so going to run my set up on laptop with powered hub and see how it goes

Control panel/Power options/Change plan settings/Change advanced power settings/USB settings/USB selective suspend settings/Disable

Yep done all that,
And done all usb and HID device power management

Next stop reset the bios