Trigger radio buttons with note AND velocity


I’m using the radio button extension by @rank13. With the 2-buttons panel I use Note on/Note off to trigger an effect. Pressing the key on my midi controller turns the effect on, and releasing the key turns the effect off. I also use Thru so that key doesn’t mute my instruments. This works just perfectly.
However I’d like the Note on message to be sent to the button only above a certain velocity.

Any pointers on how I can do that?

With a scaling curve?

Thanks, I’m trying that, but even though the Midi Monitor now shows I’m only sending Note off messages unless I smash the key over 120 in velocity, the widget still triggers. Any ideas?

One option would be a gig script that detects those Note messages and then creates a cc message when the velocity is over your desired threshold. Or, you just convert the velocity value to the cc value, and use the widget scaling curves to set the threshold.

Could you elaborate a bit on the issue you are facing?

  • could you please show us what exact displayed in the Global GP Midi Monitor
  • which MIDI message is assigned to the widget? (could you please show us the MIDI tab in the widget properties?)
  • when exactly did you notice that the widget triggers?

Why exactly? What do you expect and what’s happening exactly?

> * could you please show us what exact displayed in the Global GP Midi Monitor

Shows two soft strokes = No Note on registered, only Note off when I release the key.
Then a hard strike and release.

> * which MIDI message is assigned to the widget? (could you please show us the MIDI tab in the widget properties?)

> [quote=“Furillo, post:1, topic:12105”]
> I’d like the Note on message to be sent to the button only above a certain velocity
> [/quote]
*> *
> Why exactly? What do you expect and what’s happening exactly?

The effect is Tape Stop by Kilohearts. I want the “Stop” widget to trigger only when the A2 key is hit with velocity over 120, and go back to “Play” when I release the key. When I play the key below velocity 120 it should stay in “Play” mode
What’s happening is the “Stop” widget trigger every time I press the A2 key, no matter what velocity.

Mapping widgets to note on or note off messages is not comparable to cc mapping,
I think you need a script for that desired behavior,

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@Furillo have a look at this for an idea of what the gig script should be:

Thanks all!
I took the easy way out and put the effect on an unused key (G2) so I can hit it together with A2 when I want.