Converting note velocity to cc amount

Although it sounds like you may be best using a Gig Script. Something like:

// Convert note velocity to CC value
    IAC_Driver_Bus_1 : MidiInDevice  // Create an alias for your controller in the Rig Manager
    CC_NUMBER : Integer = 55  // Change this to the CC number you want to use
    CHANNEL : Integer = 2  // Only convert for notes received on this this channel

//Called when a NoteOn message is received at some MidiIn device
On NoteOnEvent(m : NoteMessage) from IAC_Driver_Bus_1
    // Pass through original note on message
    InjectMidiEventViaRigManager(IAC_Driver_Bus_1, m)
    // Convert note velocity to CC value (only notes on the specified chanel)
    If GetChannel(m) == CHANNEL then
        InjectMidiEventViaRigManager(IAC_Driver_Bus_1, WithChannel(MakeControlChangeMessage(CC_NUMBER, GetVelocity(m)), CHANNEL))