Tokyo Dawn Labs TDR Limiter 6 GE on sale

Looks like the Tokyo Dawn Labs limiter mentioned, and recommeded by some, in the following thread

Tokyo Dawn Labs TDR Limiter 6 GE $9.99 - Plugins - Gig Performer Community

is on sale for a reasonable price again.

TDR Limiter 6 GE, TDR Limiter 6 GE plugin, buy TDR Limiter 6 GE, (

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Thanks, finally replacing LoudMax :sunglasses:

I have both and I’m just asking: doesn’t Loudmax have a completely different job? I only use Loudmax when a plugin is too quiet on its own.

Well, you can also use Loudmax as a final Limiter plugin to prevent clipping
For me this worked OK and additional latency is also low (1ms).

If your gain structure is OK, loudmax is OK for this job

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I went for it.

TDR Limiter 6 GE and Gig Performer:

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I went for it too.

Although I talked with a friend the other day, that had been managing a sound business for years, telling me that a limiter shouldn’t be necessary if I handled my whole gain chain correctly, it’s nice to have in the toolbox.

And this is the most important point :point_up:
The Limiter should always be the final instance to keep your signal OK :wink:
As said before: watch your gain structure…


As I understood it, the only real use the sound business had for a limiter was on festivals where the arrangers had it in the contract to use a final limiter, first and foremost to protect the audience against “sound accidents” :slight_smile:

Dumb questions:

Everyone puts the limiter in the Global Rackspace?

Do you have to separately connect each local rackspace to that?

How do you set up the chain?



If you put it in the global rackspace you’ll have to send the signal there from every rackspace.


Mouse right-click on a rackspace,
plug-in insertion menu,
from “Internal Plugins”, “Global Processing”
select “To Global Rackspace”.
Connect it to the audio of your rackspace, to send it to the global rackspace.
You need to do this once, in every rackspace.
Best to have a template rackspace for future new rackspaces based on this chain.

In the global rackspace, same procedure, insert a “From Global Rackspace”.
Connect it to a limiter, or whatever you would like in the output chain, with same settings, all rackspaces.
From there, to your audio out.

See also online help on Global Rackspaces



Does anybody know if there is a way to get the value of the red box (Peak Limiter value) into some widget ?

I want to make a widget that shows if the limiter is active (and how much).
If I press the ‘learn’ option, it only shows the scale, not the value.

Or is there another way to do this? (I know the envelope tracker can do something similar, but then I have two plugins with settings to adjust).

3 posts were split to a new topic: TDR Limiter Latency

oh yes!

:slight_smile: How?