OH, i missed that out because there was the “you’re trying in demo mode” banner over this function area!
After removing this I found the mode switch. (in my case it reports even 12 samples in low latency mode!)
I really do like the interface of it. Super precise knobs here to dial in exactly what you want.
When time comes for the right offer, “…IT WILL BE MINE…”
But this thread was about “alternatives” -so try out the D16 Frontier - still a good limiter.
It’s a good one. Tokyo Dawn make some mighty fine plugins. $9.99 for the GE editions is too good of a deal to pass up. I’ve been using Kotelnikov GE and Limiter GE for some time. Just picked up Molot GE for $9.99.
Just be aware (on my Windows 10 machine at least) with a new gig file and one totally empty rackspace it uses 29% CPU with absolutely no wiring or incoming signals.
Pretty much own every major channelstrip and limtier plugin on the market (I’m a senior post mixer and have that luxury ) and when shooting-out each of them for my GigPerformer rig (workflow, cpu efficiency, transparency etc) , ended up deciding to use both VCS-1 and LimiterGE in every gig file:
One VCS-1 strip on EACH of my instruments in a local rackspace ( up to six vst instrument “slots”) AND
a single Limiter GE on my final “to front-of-house” for safety in my GLOBAL rack. Running in LOW LATENCY mode!!
The VCS’s compressor is quite good and very flexible. (eg you can sidechain to have the lower notes of, say a piano vst, compressor more (ie thin out) so that you stay out of a bass player’s range). The limiter in VCS-1 is awesome, but set really high (close to digital 0) and is not anywhere close to a brickwall “Safety” limiter (timing is tide to the compressor’s settings), so the LimtierGE is a better choice for me for output… only use the highfreq limtier, the clipper and the peak limiter.
I’m a senior poor mixer and I only own one channel strip and one limiter plugin : VCS-1 and TDR Limiter 6 GE. I seems that I certainly have been well advised by our GP community!