Switching widget functionality

I improved the rackspace/script to be working with a full 9-set of drawbars and faders while hiding the “uncontrolled” group of widgets… :sunglasses: :nerd_face:

A Rackspce Script is used to have a single set of hardware controllers (say, faders) move two diffrent groups of widgets, dependent on the position of a “destination switch” widget.
The script will send the incoming CC# messages to either the group of drawbars or the group of faders, while at the same time, the widgets that are not to be controlled will be hidden, so you will only see (and control) one single type of widgets at a time (drawbars or faders).

destination switch drawbars-faders

switch destination drawbars-faders.gig (292.6 KB)

The script code for the improved version:

MIDI_in : MidiInBlock
swt_changeDest : widget //switch destination of CC#
fdr1, fdr2, fdr3, fdr4, fdr5, fdr6, fdr7, fdr8, fdr9 : widget // faders
drwb1, drwb2,drwb3, drwb4, drwb5, drwb6, drwb7, drwb8, drwb9 : widget // drawbars

ccNrs : integer array = [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28] // incoming cc# for the nine faders/drawbars

faders_arr : widget array = [fdr1, fdr2, fdr3, fdr4, fdr5, fdr6, fdr7, fdr8, fdr9] // array for white faders
drawbars_arr : widget array = [drwb1, drwb2,drwb3, drwb4, drwb5, drwb6, drwb7, drwb8, drwb9] // array for black faders

// User function to move either the black or white faders, depending on the destination-switch position
function MoveFader (index : integer, ccNr : integer, ccVal : integer)
    If GetWidgetValue(swt_changeDest) >0.6 Then
        SetWidgetValue (faders_arr[index], MidiToParam(ccVal))
        SetWidgetValue (drawbars_arr[index], MidiToParam(ccVal))
    SendNow (MIDI_in, MakeControlChangeMessage(ccNr, ccVal))

// user function to hide/unhide a group of faders
function HideThem (groupToHide : widget array, groupToShow : widget array)
var index : integer
    For index = 0; index< Size(groupToHide); index = index +1 Do
        SetWidgetHideOnPresentation(groupToHide[index], true)
        SetWidgetHideOnPresentation(groupToShow[index], false)

//Called when a CC message is received at some MidiIn block
On ControlChangeEvent(ccMsg : ControlChangeMessage) from MIDI_in
ccNr : integer = GetCCNumber(ccMsg)
ccVal : integer = GetCCValue(ccMsg)

        ccNr == ccNrs[0] do MoveFader (0, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 1
        ccNr == ccNrs[1] do MoveFader (1, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 2
        ccNr == ccNrs[2] do MoveFader (2, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 3
        ccNr == ccNrs[3] do MoveFader (3, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 4
        ccNr == ccNrs[4] do MoveFader (4, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 5
        ccNr == ccNrs[5] do MoveFader (5, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 6
        ccNr == ccNrs[6] do MoveFader (6, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 7
        ccNr == ccNrs[7] do MoveFader (7, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 8
        ccNr == ccNrs[8] do MoveFader (8, ccNr, ccVal) //CC# array item 9
        // as many as you need

        //Optionally include this for when none of the above matched
        True do SendNow (MIDI_in, MakeControlChangeMessage(ccNr, ccVal))

// use "destination switch" to trigger the hide/unhide user function
On WidgetValueChanged (swtVal : double) from swt_changeDest 
    If swtVal>0.6 then
        HideThem (drawbars_arr, faders_arr) // hide drawbars, show faders
        HideThem (faders_arr, drawbars_arr) // hide faders, show drawbars