Switchable 4x8 knob matrix

Hi folks,
This rackspace contains a switchable matrix of 4 banks by 8 knob widgets, which can be used through 8 physical knobs of your MIDI controller. By switching the active widget bank, it is possible to control up to 32 plugin parameters!

The very top row of knobs are called “Control XY”, they should be midi-mapped to the physical knobs of your controller only (not to plugins!).

Below are 4x8 knobs which can be parameter-mapped to plugins (but not a midi controller!).

On the side there are 4 pads to select the knob-bank which will be actually affected from the “Control” knobs (the pads can also be midi-mapped to physical buttons).

That way you can select which row of the 32 matrix-knobs (=plugin parameters) will be controlled if you dial your physical knobs).

So, in short, the value of a “Control” knob is mirrored by the respective matrix knob of the selected bank.

If you change the active bank, the values of the activated bank’s knobs are copied to the control knobs, so you always have the actual state at hand!
A RESET ALL button will do what it says: Reset all the widgets!

knobmatrix.gig (628.0 KB)

Have fun with it… :slight_smile: :beers:


…just for the curious ones - here is the script code:

frame_01, frame_02, frame_03, frame_04 : widget
padBank01, padBank02, padBank03, padBank04 : widget
knbDummy01, knbDummy02, knbDummy03, knbDummy04, knbDummy05, knbDummy06, knbDummy07, knbDummy08 : widget
knbB1_01, knbB1_02, knbB1_03, knbB1_04, knbB1_05, knbB1_06, knbB1_07, knbB1_08 : widget
knbB2_01, knbB2_02, knbB2_03, knbB2_04, knbB2_05, knbB2_06, knbB2_07, knbB2_08 : widget
knbB3_01, knbB3_02, knbB3_03, knbB3_04, knbB3_05, knbB3_06, knbB3_07, knbB3_08 : widget
knbB4_01, knbB4_02, knbB4_03, knbB4_04, knbB4_05, knbB4_06, knbB4_07, knbB4_08 : widget
btnResetAll : widget

markerFrames : widget Array = [frame_01, frame_02, frame_03, frame_04]
bankPads : widget array = [padBank01, padBank02, padBank03, padBank04]
dummyKnobs : widget Array = [knbDummy01, knbDummy02, knbDummy03, knbDummy04, knbDummy05, knbDummy06, knbDummy07, knbDummy08]
bank01Knobs : widget Array = [knbB1_01, knbB1_02, knbB1_03, knbB1_04, knbB1_05, knbB1_06, knbB1_07, knbB1_08]
bank02Knobs : widget Array = [knbB2_01, knbB2_02, knbB2_03, knbB2_04, knbB2_05, knbB2_06, knbB2_07, knbB2_08]
bank03Knobs : widget Array = [knbB3_01, knbB3_02, knbB3_03, knbB3_04, knbB3_05, knbB3_06, knbB3_07, knbB3_08]
bank04Knobs : widget Array = [knbB4_01, knbB4_02, knbB4_03, knbB4_04, knbB4_05, knbB4_06, knbB4_07, knbB4_08]

padIsActive, copyInProgress : boolean = false
activeBank : integer

//user function to copy the control row (dummies) to the matrix row
function dummyTobank (bank : widget Array)
index : integer

    copyInProgress = True //set flag for scripted copy action
    for index = 0; index < Size(dummyKnobs); index = index +1 Do
        SetWidgetValue(bank[index], GetWidgetValue(dummyKnobs[index]))

    copyInProgress = false // scripted copy action is over

//user function to copy the matrix row to the control row (dummies)
function bankTodummy (bank : widget Array)
index : integer = 0

    copyInProgress = True //set flag for scripted copy action
    for index = 0; index < Size(dummyKnobs); index = index +1 Do
        SetWidgetValue(dummyKnobs[index], GetWidgetValue(bank[index]))

    copyInProgress = false // scripted copy action is over

//show and hide the frame around the knob rows
function setFrame(VisibleIndex : integer)
index : integer = 0

    for index=0; index < Size(markerFrames); index = index +1 Do
        SetWidgetHideOnPresentation(markerFrames[index], true)

    SetWidgetHideOnPresentation(markerFrames[VisibleIndex], false)

//executed on first load & script compile
index : integer = 0

//check if at least one pad is lit
    for index=0; index < Size(bankPads); index = index +1 Do
        if GetWidgetValue(bankPads[index]) >0.6 Then 
            padIsActive = true
            activeBank = index
//if no pad is lit, activate bank 1
    if padIsActive == false then
        padIsActive = true

//reset all widgets
On WidgetValueChanged(bVal : double) from btnResetAll
index : integer

//reset the control knobs
    for index=0; index < Size(dummyKnobs); index = index +1 Do
//and copy the control knobs to the matrix banks
//activate bank 1

//switch the matrix banks by pads
On WidgetValueChanged(w : Widget, index: integer, pVal : double) from padBank01, padBank02, padBank03, padBank04
    activeBank = index
        activeBank==0 do bankTodummy(bank01Knobs)
        activeBank==1 do bankTodummy(bank02Knobs)
        activeBank==2 do bankTodummy(bank03Knobs)
        activeBank==3 do bankTodummy(bank04Knobs)

//whenever a control knob is dialed
On WidgetValueChanged(w : Widget, index: integer, kVal : double) from knbDummy01, knbDummy02, knbDummy03, knbDummy04, knbDummy05, knbDummy06, knbDummy07, knbDummy08
    if copyInProgress == false Then //only react if it's no scripted copy action (means, if it's done by the user)
        Select //set the corresponding knob of the selected bank
            activeBank==0 do SetWidgetValue(bank01Knobs[index], kVal)
            activeBank==1 do SetWidgetValue(bank02Knobs[index], kVal)
            activeBank==2 do SetWidgetValue(bank03Knobs[index], kVal)
            activeBank==3 do SetWidgetValue(bank04Knobs[index], kVal)


If you create an array of bank0xKnobs, then you can get rid of all selectstatements.

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@schamass is it possible to build the same matrix but only use 8 widget knobs and have the buttons change what they are controlling?

This is awesome! Thanks @schamass !!!

I guess it would be possible, but it would be a tedious work to identify every needed parameter by number, and then “hard code” it into the script.
Also this would be very inflexible if you’d need to make any changes, or if you would like to use it in another rackspace…
And in the end it would do nothing else than the knob matrix…

Thank you for this one! Looks wonderful and potentially very, very useful! I’ll probably be switching to the new Korg Keystage next year (finally 32 bit resolution for tweaking synths, yay!) and it only has 8 knobs for controls, this type of matrix style system will come in handy, especially if there’s a way to make the Bank widget names visible on the screen above the physical knobs (propably possible with some tweaking, but not sure yet since I don’t have the keyboard). Even if not, having memorized some sort of “default approach” with the order of knob parameters will be enough with this system.