Just recently ive noticed that a lot of my Rackspaces stutter when i first start to play them. It settles down after a few seconds and doesnt come back until i change to another rackspace. Seems to be ok if i go back to previous ones.
As far as i know nothing has changed, but obviously something has. Ive not installed anything new, other than Korg’s Triton but that seems ok. not updated anything other than GP, but this was happing before i did the latest update.
This is with the Arturia collection X, Halion 7, Zenology pro (not an activation thing as some of the RS’s dont use it) and B-3X.
Im looking for ideas where to look or check.
MacBook Pro M1 14” with latest version of Sonoma, Arturia Minifuse1 interface. This is the set up ive been using of months.
I saw your thread before i posted, and did check the sound settings to see if it was the same issue, but all was correct, and seeing as B-3X has not been updated recently, and i had no issue up until a few weeks ago, it cant be that either.
It also happens from the very first time i hit a note, in a R/S that doesnt have B-3X in it so in theory there is nothing in the buffer.
Yes, I get this with some plugins. I think Soundpaint Tenor Sax (but it is possible it was fixed in latest update, not sure).
I think in some sounds in the V Collection it has happened (very full synth sound used in the song “Gloria” by Laura Branigan).
At some point I tried to have GP automatically trigger a “note on” when I change to the Soundpaint rackspace (at imperceptible volume) so it would not glitch when I played. That did not work. I planned to try to add a small delay when that option was added to GP at a recent update, thinking that was why it did not work, but I have not gotten around to that.
For me it’s very random after the first notes are played. Some rackspaces do it, others dont. It’s like once ive used certain plugin all the other rackspaces that use it are ok. It never happens if i go back to any of them, but it affects anything in the rackspace at the time. It’s not just one plug in.
The sound cuts in and out and sounds a bit distorted. It lasts for a few seconds and then settles down. I dont have any other clicks or pops etc.
CPU usage doesnt show in GP as being high at any point, never more than 30% depending on the RS but this doesnt cause issues in general.
Im not familiar with word lock. Would you mind explaining what it is?
Id be surprised if it was disk swapping but at this stage I have no idea what it could be.
I don’t know if that is what it is - just a suspicion – but if your gig file is just too big, then your OS is going to start swapping pages and that will certainly cause delays
Sorry, i meant i thought that’s what you meant, rather than it being the cause.
My gig file is quite small. 55 rackspaces. The file itself is 68MB. It was larger with just over 60 before this issue started.
If it was a CPU or memory issue I’d expect it to happen a lot more. It really does seem to only happen the first time each plugin is used. Once past this it’s rock solid.
As I understand it, a ram issue would makes sense. The first time you use it it is not fully in memory (ram), so, it stutters as the samples are swapped into memory (ram) from your drive.
Then, the stuttering does not occur again because the samples are loaded into ram.
I wonder if disc streaming speed could be relevant.
But I am a bit out of my element getting heavy into computer tech issues. So, take what I say with (more than) a grain of salt.
No, nothing at all unless one of the plugin is doing it automatically, which it never used to.
The only sample loader im using is Halion 7, but ive been using that since day one back in the summer.
No new plugin have been added other than Korg Triton, which doesn’t use samples as far as I can see.
Quick question.
If i remove a plugin from plugin manager and restart, will that plugin be missing from all the rackspaces?
I’m thinking i might try that first. Work through them one at a time.