Streaming audio file player - Assigning buttons

I’m trying to use this new player in it’s simplest form.

I just want a rackspace with the player with one song in the list, and the ability to start, stop and rewind to the beginning.

As far as i can see I’ve got everything to work from my panel. I’ve assigned buttons to the Play parameter and the Rewind to beginning parameter. I’ve also turned of Momentary touch for those buttons.

My problem is;
I’ve assigned these two buttons to two of the transport buttons on my Arturia Keulab Mk II. The Arturia button assigned to the Play parameter starts the track playing, but pressing it again don’t stop the playing, like it does in the GP panel.

Any ideas?

I do not understand, you said you assigned the 2 widgets to 2 transport control of your Arturia controller.
Now you want the transport button to play and stop ten audio file player

The situation is;

  • The play button widget in the panel functions as it should. When I press it the first time it goes on and the audio file starts playing. When it press it the second time, it goes off and the audio file stops playing.
  • In Widget properties under MIDI I have assigned the widget to the Rig Manager alias TM4, which is the actual transport button on my main keyboard. When you press the transport button the first time, you see in the panel that the widget goes on and the music starts playing. When you press it a second time you see the widget goes on again, and the music keeps playing.

Is this a case of the transport button no beeing able to send an off message. If so; Is there a way to get around it?

Try to set the widget property “latch”
Momentary to latching


Thx! Did the trick. In fact I think I had already turned off that switch intentionally to try to make things work. Got my other tansport button, sending a Rewind to beginning, to work too turning this switch on.

Now on to another problem I also had using the old Audio file player;

It’s the audio file starting to play the moment I enter the rackspace with the player. I don’t want this. I want to start the player manually. Hope you have some good advice on this one too :slight_smile:

I think that is the widget set to on.
There is a widget property where can set that the value of 0 should be set when the rackspace is activated.

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Thx! Will check that.

Thx a lot! That was the problem.

The perfect rackspace: [Gig] Streaming Audio File Player Controls

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Thx! Looks nice. I have solved my current problem, but will look into the possibility of moving the player to the global rackspace. I suppose I then will have to take care that I always add new files to the end of the playlist, to not totally fuck up what plays when you select a new song in the setlist :slight_smile: