[Gig] Streaming Audio File Player Controls

This gig file features nice control buttons for the new addition in Gig Performer v4.7 - The Streaming Audio File Player.

One instance of the Streaming Audio File Player is in the Global Rackspace and there is also a basic local rackspace that can control three global parameters (Track number, Volume, Play/Stop), so that variations can be used to select different tracks/volume.

Also make sure to check the tips/instructions included in the gig file.

This gig file also showcases the new v4.7 custom font feature that allows for layered buttons/labels.

Custom fonts: To view this gig file properly, you need to have the Webdings font and the Digital font. If you don’t have them, download and install them from here:

Download: SAFP-Controls V4.7.gig (350.4 KB)

Credits: @schamass

Note: There is also a script included. To give feedback or check out the script, please visit this discussion thread.