Streaming Audio File Player and my project

I have spent a few hours scanning the manual and looking at videos but I can’t work out how to get the steaming player into my project ( which is based off the guitar/vox template). I have downloaded the sample file with a global player and the rack control but despite export those out etc I still can’t work out how I intergrate this into my global and rack spaces etc. Thank you

What do you want to do?

What file did you download?

Thank you for your response.
Ultimately I want to create something for my keys stuff and singer / guitar /backing tracks. Starting with the later so looking to

Create a vox chain - where I can change things for songs / different parts eg : live tune key, fx etc
Guitar basic patches to use for songs
And play to backing tracks ( possibly using the tracks to cue the racks/variations)

The file I download was one I found - I think it may have been yours that had a global streaming player and then a rack example to choose tracks / control other parameters - here [Gig] Streaming Audio File Player Controls

Thanks for your help

Scripting aside, you can recreate this rackspace to be the Global rackspace step by step.

See how the widgets are mapped to SAFP parameters, etc.

so I am on my trial and appreciate it’s a learning curve. I was starting with the guitar/vox tempate. Managed to put waves tune in globally, create some parameters to adjust and put these in a couple of variations that work. However the main output just keeps muting and I have no idea / how / why unless these is some way that the variation changes that change waves scale for exampel are somehoe affecting that ( ps no midi or other PC or anything invlolved)- Went for gtr and vox first as thought learning woud be easier. Then planned to add streaming palayer but was struggling with than so concentrated on FX. Anyway and advice/things to look for very welome- I understand as the programme is so featured it is very hard to have a A-Z that suits all.

So I found some parameters had strangly got linked - no idea how so may have sorted the main mute off. Now need to solve track player and then start to think what I need globlaly and what in the racks

Probably random clicking as you were experimenting

if you want to have control of multiple backing tracks - use the Audio file player as it allows you to play up to 8 tracks at once.
if on the other hand you need actions to happen and you are ok with one track at a time - then use the Streaming Audio File Player.

Either way - put that or the other on the global rackspace to ensure audio doesn’t stop when you switch rakspaces.

Thank you. Going to try the streaming first as I want to try each song or sometimes sections setting up the rack variations / changes where needed.