Strange stuck notes behavior with Halion 6

Hummm, unfortunately not exactly what I expected… :thinking:

My idea was to introduce a delay between CH1 and CH2 to avoid quasi synchrone events. So, I just wood like to make sure that you didn’t test configurations with an identical delay for CH1 and CH2, like CH1=>50ms AND CH2=>50ms at the same time. :face_with_monocle: Can you confirm this?

6 ms is a huge delay, I was expecting a similar result with 1ms (or less, but I cannot easily delay less).

Does the stuck notes also appear when you don’t use you sustain pedal ?
Your pedal is not a continuously valued pedal, right ? (only CC 64 0 or CC 64 127)

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Yes, I confirm.
Ch1 delay was 0ms.

The stuck notes don´t appear when playing without Sustain pedal.
It´s a Standard momentary Sustain pedal CC64 0 or 127.

But not for all of your tests, or did I misunderstand something?

Only after noticing a delay on ch1 had no effect I left it on 0ms while trying out different delays on Ch2.

Do you experience the same issue with the VST version ?

Yes, same on VST

Steinberg is being very helpful, they’ll give us temporary access to that plugin so we can test it ourselves. That being said, it’s hard to imagine this being a GP issue as, if it was, we would expect to see many reports of stuck notes from many users with all sorts of plugins.

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OK - I’ve finally got Halion installed and I am trying your gig file. However, I cannot get any sound out of channel 2 (the strings) — as far as I can see, they’re loaded, and I’m sending MIDI on the correct channel, etc. But no sound. The piano meanwhile works perfectly fine and I couldn’t get any stuck notes.

When I tried to reload the plugin, I got this message:


I’ve never seen any plugin complain about this so I’m kinda skeptical about the “solidness” of this HALion plugin.

So this is just a weird plugin – I discovered I could drag the strings ABOVE the piano in the slot rack and as soon as I did that, they started working — also, I removed the GP script stuff that was there. Everything now seems to work fine. I can hammer away at stuff, with sustain pedal on - as soon as I release sustain pedal, notes stop instantly.
You may have a bug in your GP Script but I’m not going to debug that —

If you are talking from the fabulous script here:

There is nothing to debug! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

But the previous script version added a delay without explicitely changing the channel to 2. The issue came from the fact that the channel mapping of the MIDI in block is not taken into consideration when scripting. We already had a discussion about this in another thread where I proposed some changes.

OK - I’m confused now – I’m trying to address the concern that was raised where Halion was getting stuck notes when used with Gig Performer. I didn’t realize scripting was involved in this — without scripting, it seems to work fine. There are no stuck notes.

So is this issue resolved? The original OP was claiming stuck notes - see quote above

With scripting probably too, and I suspect that the issue is not solved for @Beatlab

OK, Back to Zero.
Originally there wasn"t any scipting at all.

Stuck notes appear in two completely different Windows Installations (different Audio Interface, different Midi Controller) when I load “Loud and clear" to Channel 1, any String Sound to Channel 2, create two Midi Ins (Ch1 and Ch2) from the same Controller and Play with Sustain Pedal.
Same Thing in Forte works without stuck notes.

Anyone on Windows who can reproduce that?

Were you using VST3 version in Forte?

Not sure. I will check again tomorrow .

No, it was VST2 in Forte. Forte doesn´t support VST3 at all.
But there are also no issues on Camelot with VST3.
And I checked again wit Cantabile and there are no issues on VST2 and VST3.
So it was a mistake when I wrote earlier it would also happen on Cantabile. I just thought so because I opened GP3 and Cantabile in parallel and were hearing the GP3 Signal while looking to Cantabile.

@Beatlab so your two MIDI in blocks both receive messages on CH1 and the second block moves that to CH2 right? Both keyboards actually send on CH1?
The first block seems to be an OMNI block which means it will receive messages from both keyboards, all the time.

Is this how you wanted things to be set up and is this how you set them up in other DAWs ?

Yes Right.

It is only one Keyboard. I just want play Piano and Strings layered with the ability to Fade in/out the Strings by volume CC07.
That´s the reason for having them on two different midi Channels.

Do you get stuck notes if you create two HALION plugins and connect the MIDI input 1 to the first one and MIDI Input 2 to the second one? In other words - do you get stuck notes if you separate internal HALION layering?

Also - it seems that other users have trouble reproducing the issue with the gig file you sent.
Could you maybe record yourself playing and getting stuck notes and then send it to use here.
To record your MIDI just click on the record button and make sure you select to record MIDI inputs. This will generate on .mid file you can send us.

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No that is working fine.

Attached you will find the recording 2020-04-03 at (1.0 MB) and the gig-file.Halion_stuck_rec.gig (1.5 MB)