Soundcheck Reaper to X32 to GP4 to X32 GP4

There are third party apps for Windows that allow you to route audio directly from one application to another. Very useful if you want to record your GP live performance into a DAW, for example.

An example is VB-CABLE.

Please see here: How to route audio and MIDI on Windows and macOS [resources]

Thanks but I have no problem with recording GP in my Daw.

Thanks, I will have a look.

How do you do that now?

For Reaper there is also a virtual asio driver, but in that case, Reaper controls the audio interface and all other applications are more or less clients of Reaper. They have to use the Reaper asio driver, while Reaper itself uses your audio device asio driver, so you have to route everything through Reaper to GP and back

Just for the sake of completeness. I think, it is not the most effortless solution.

Have been using the X32 USB Stick recorder.

I am giving up Gig Performer for thisā€¦ Too much hassle and I am worried it screws up the existing driver for the X32. The next show is imminent and donā€™t want to have any issues with the big band. The test GP file that I have been experimenting with is now possibly corrupted, as GP does crash after a while needing for the a restart of the laptop.

I am not entirely sure now but I think that in the past I have used the Rearoute to record the output from GP through the XR-18 mixer in the daw. This does not work with the X32.

GP has no direct access to your drivers ā€“ it communicate with them solely through the published OS APIs. It simply cannot corrupt them.

Crash report please

Thatā€™s good to know!

I have just carried out a repair for GP, so not sure if the report will it show the issue.

How do I get the crash report?

You could have a look here: AppData\Local\GPErrorHandler\UnsentCrashReports

Next time it happens, do this: Integra-7 controlled by Gig Performer - is it possible yet? - #17 by npudar

I know that this is an older topic, but have you found a solution?
To clear things up, with virtual soundcheck you mean multitrack recordings of your x32 inputs, yes?
Is it mandatory for you tu use Reaper for the recording?
There is the inexpensive x-live card for the x32 that allows you to record up tp 32 tracks directly onto sd cards. So you could use your existing routing into GP. You can configure the X32 that the routing switches automatically to the card inputs when you start playback off the sd cards.