Send All Notes Off

BTW, something is odd with the script. When I open the gig file, add my plugins etc, it works fine (except it keeps adding new notes). Both note on and off messages are going through. However, when I hit the compile button in the script editor, the NOTE OFF messages get filtered out. If I dont save and reload the gig file, it works again. As soon as I hit compile, only note ON messages go through, not note OFF. Odd!

AutoSustainer.gig (6.1 KB)

With this version the script is working after a new compile also.

You could create a new variation where the NOTE ON Message is filtered.
When this variation is selected no new notes are coming in.

Couldn’t you use a dedicated midi in block just for the notes off message? e.g. Use the OSC midi in block. Then you could still use the midi filter solution you are already using to ensure that the notes off message only goes to the plugin you want it to.

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As a guitarist, I gave up the different hardware MIDI converters I had been using for 30 years, in favour of Midi Guitar which I use in all my rackspaces.

There is a function that allows 3 kinds of sustain & hold, including the one you are exactly looking for:



Its still filtering note off messages after a compile.

When you create a new rackspace and switch to the new rackspace and back to the oroiginal?
Is it working then?

And you have to make sure your are using it in the original state.
Some variables are set etc.
The Widget should be set to off before you compile.

Yes. When I create a new rackspace and go back it works again…until I hit compile again, at which point it doesn’t…but of course that doesn’t happen in real life, but I’d like to understand what is going on. LOL

Let me think again :wink:

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I’m a scripting illiterate, I can kinda make sense of what is going if I stare at it long enough, I tried but I can’t seem to figure out how to NOT sustain the new notes after pressing the pedal. :frowning:

When you watch that movie “The Men Who Stare at Goats”

Maybe that helps :wink:

Thanks for the suggestion! Looks very cool. I like that you don’t need a midi pickup. I already have a Fishman TriplePlay setup however and based on what I just read its a bit faster than Jam Origin’s and I also like separating the 6 strings so I’ll keep that for midi conversion. For my other guitars however…might just be a great option!!! :slight_smile:

You use this as a plugin inside GP? Is there a way to only use its hold function and not the actual conversion? Or is it a single bundle for everything (conversion and functions)?

While you’re thinking brother, please include a “play, but don’t sustain notes after pedal press” option. I’ll buy you a virtual beer! Any brand, any time! :wink:

I am pretty sure he prefers non virtual ones :beer::beers: :wink:


Please try this and test if it is working after a recompile
AutoSustainer.gig (6.0 KB)

For my understanding:
Press Sustain
Played notes sustain
Release Sustain
Played notes sustain
New played Notes do not sustain
Press Sustain
Sustained Notes stop
Played Notes do not sustain.
Release Sustain
Played Notes do not sustain

Is it working this way?
When not, what is not working?

Yes it works: I just tried it.
I simply connected a Midi in block into Midi Guitar’s midi in and Midi Guitar’s midi out to a synth.

There is no latency issue with Midi Guitar unless you can hear differences below few ms :wink:

If you want to simplify your equipment or be able to change guitar to keep on playing after breaking a string, Midi Guitar is perfect.

Now if you need to separate the strings, it is better to play with a Fishman system, whatever you can use scripting too in Midi Guitar to split ranges with separate synths.
As a matter of fact, the hold function is as well a script with a GUI as you can see on the picture.
There are 4 slots called midi machines included. Scripting is LUA language.

But what is best if you keep on playing with Fishman? Paying 88€ for a plugin with hold function or a virtual beer for a GP script? :smile:

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I’m sure you are 100% right about that! LOL

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The demo on their website is super impressive and your personal recommendation makes it a very appealing software to check out! Swapping guitars quickly is exactly what I thought about, although I must say Fishman made this simple too with their “slide and click” on and off different guitars mounting bracket.

Hey, if there is bitcoin, there can also be virtual beer and I like the sound of the latter much more! LOL I think we should all just start doing commerce in VB’s. :rofl:

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So the main issue now is that all notes played after pressing pedal/widget CC#64 sustain.