Send a note when multiple notes are pressed

I am very new on Gig Performer, so please bear with me if it’s something obvious.

Here’s what I am trying to achieve:

When 2 or more notes are pressed near simultaneously (ie, like a chord, may be separated by no more than 50ms), send out a note (may not be one of the pressed notes).

When all previously pressed notes are un-pressed, send out a NOTE OFF of the sent note.

The way I can imagine how it will work is to use some kind of delay callback, but it doesn’t seem like Gig Performer allows that.

Is there a way to do something like what I describe with GPScript? Or is it impossible?

Hi @ToysSamurai welcome to the GP community :wink:

Well, what you request is not conventional. But, I wrote a Scriptlet which is very close from what you request. You still have to convert a CC# message into a note message and it should be very close to work as you described:

However, I don’t really understand your use case, could you elaborate a bit?

I am making a prototype MIDI controller that only has 6 buttons, which can’t be mapped to all the notes in an octave. What I want to do is to match a 2-button “chord” to a note. With 6 buttons, that will give me more than enough combinations to map an entire octave.

While this could probably be done with GPScript, you’ll probably want to wait for our next release which will have an SDK to allow third party hardware to be supported. Then you can write a C++ (say) extension to support your device.

Beside, the upcoming development kit announced by @dhj, if you are developing the hardware, I would strongly encourage you to have the option of producing CC# rather then notes if you want to control things with the buttons and to produce directly the CC# resulting from the combination of two (or more) buttons pushed simultaneously.

Which kind of controller is this supposed to be? I mean if you build it by yourself, while there are so much cheap MIDI controllers available, it is probably that it has to have a special form factor for a specific use.