Rig Manager acting weird, Midi Aliases not working

Even though I’m on Mac, I can confirm that this is happening with that also. I couldn’t get the rig manager to work. An Internet search led me to this thread. I tried the close and open again as suggested by ztones. It works then.

So, to get the rig manager to work, I have to select the new rig, click “Apply”, close GigPerformer, then reopen. Then it will work with the different controller.


Can you tell us what your midi controllers are please?

I’m glad that gets it to work. For me it only does it for softstep 2. I think only certain controllers are affected.


I’m using a Yamaha CP4 as my main controller. Alternatively, I’m using an Oxygen 49.

Wich one is having this issue? Both?

If you mean me, I’m not sure what you mean. Which keyboard? Both, or any. It’s the change over in rigs that doesn’t take effect until Gig Performer is restarted.

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Same issue on Mac.

Also works if you reopen the gig without closing GP
File>Open Recent>[Gig Name]


I’m experiencing the same problem: When switching (in the rig manager) between rigs, the aliases are recognized (blinking when touching).
The widgets used in the local rackspace does work after clicking Apply, but the widgets in the global rackspace don’t work. I’d have to restart GP

Using KORG Nanocontrol 2 and switching to M-audio Axiom.
GP4.1.5 on OSX 10.15.5

Is this “bug” fixed in the 4.5 update? Otherwise I have to decide to re-program my gig (put all the global widgets in every local backspace). Hope to hear from you.

Does it begin to work after you restart GP?

Yes it does! But in a festival kind of setting with minimal change-over time I don’t like to be reloading the gig.

I was wondering if a developer or beta tester could say if this “bug” will be fixed in GP4.5. Hope to hear from you!

A beta tester is not allowed to talk about upcoming versions.
So only the developers can answer.