Reset Widgets to default values when changing variations

Hi there,

I am using Helix Native live at gigs. I have a different variation for every patch that I use in Helix Native. The variation shuts off all the iterations of Helix Native except the one I am currently using in order to save CPU.

Is a script needed in order to get widgets to reset to default/starting values when you change variations?

I am using widgets to control plugins and I want Volume and Wah to reset every time I change a variation.
Right now the issue I am having is that if I used the wah in a variation and then switch variations the
wah pedal is still engaged at some value higher than zero (heel down).


Using Setlist/Song mode can help with this. Your song part is linked to a variation, and when you switch to a new song part (or back to a prior one), the widget values will return to the original saved value for the variation.

Otherwise, if you don’t want to use Setlist mode, you would need a GP script.

Thank you very much for your reply. Do you happen to know if anyone has developed a script
for this application yet ?

Why can’t you use songs? This solves the problem

I already have 20 patches programmed as variations, and don’t want to have to do any more programing.
I don’t understand why variations don’t have a built in option to reset widgets to starting values on
program change. It seems like an obvious need for some users.

You just have to assign a song part to each variation

Because that concept is implemented via song parts

Oh. I will look into this asap and get back to you. Thank you for letting me know about this.

Just in case, here’s an example of how to use GP Script to set explicit widget values in different variations. It doesn’t really scale up very well but if you only need it for a few widgets it may be practical (12.0 KB)

thanks so much I will check this out ASAP! :slight_smile:

Thanks I looked through your example it was very helpful. I was able to accomplish the reset of the
volume pedal and wah pedal on variation (PATCH) change with the following code:

// Called when you switch variations
On Variation(oldVariation : integer, newVariation : integer)
SetWidgetValue(VOLUME, 127)
SetWidgetValue(WAH, 0)

Works like a charm!