Plugin Presets

How can I toggle plugin presets without opening the UI?

toggle as in bypass?
in the wiring view right click the block and click bypass.
you can assign a widget to the bypass of a plugin.

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Toggle ,as in change presets.

oh change presets is not recommended by sending PC to the plugin.
therefore there are two methods available:

  1. create rackspace that contains instances of your plugins
  2. create widgets that are assigned to the bypass of each plugin
  3. create variations by activating only the preset you need.

check out this article as an example (it’s for navigating presets of Arturia Augmented MALLETS)
it contains the gig file you can download and try to see the mechanism.

Second method is to write a script which dynamically loads the presets.
but i am not good with that.
i recommend getting in touch with @LeeHarvey

I’d rather to change the presets with the knob widget . Is that possible only through scripting?

Some but not all plugins have a “select preset” parameter which you could assign to a knob.
However this is not recommended. And not all plugins support it.
Plus you might have to wait more for the loading of the presets which for some plugins might not be glitch free.

Wouldn’t it be possible from the au presets? GP let’s you save presets.

Yes you can save gp presets but you load them by right clicking in the wiring view.
If you want to select them a different way - I hear that scripting is the solution.

Thanks. Have no clue how to script. Bummer. Will have to access GUI every single time I want to change the preset, then.

Why don’t you just use different rackspaces?

Beacuse I’d need hundreds of them. It would be easier to change plugin presets.

I have the exact same wish. But those are the only solutions I found.
Change presets with variations via widgets set to bypass plugins.
And the scripting.
I also have 1400 presets and don’t want to create that many rack spaces.
@LeeHarvey created a fantastic patch with scripting. But I don’t even know how to run it on my system.

It’s not that GP won’t allow you but those changes might be slow and glitchy.

So we gotta get creative with our approaches.
If GP could switch presets like it can variations and especially rack spaces (without glitches and cracks or delays) then this would be heaven on earth.

Unfortunately it’s not as simple as that.

They say when we use GP we have to have a paradigm shift.
Meaning we gotta change the way we think instead of trying to adapt our previous workflow.

That translates into using a lot less of our presets because of exactly this difficulty.
But It could be a blessing in disguise as it forces us to reduce our number of presets and use only those we really want instead of using GP like a preset manager or librarian or browser.

I am still struggling to make that paradigm shift and every night I contemplate on how to actually use this. I have accepted I have to change my paradigm.

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I don’t care what platform or app you’re using, no one is tabbing through hundreds of presets on stage. Even if you used 3 different presets in every song, for a 30 song setlist that’s only 90 presets used.

Some degree of context and common sense has to be applied here. GP is an audio plugin host for live performance. Trying to use it as a means to access an archive of every preset you have means lots of rackspaces—which you can do, it has that capability-- but for live performance you’d never have the time to be scrolling though your entire archive to find a particular preset. You’d want a more efficient means of accessing a particular sound in a particular song of a particular setlist, and that is what GP allows you to do more efficiently with rackspaces/songs/songparts than turning dials trying to find the right sound.


Exactly!! While you can use it however you wish, expecting developers to cater to your desires that fall way outside of the core functionality is asking a bit much.

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I make live looping electronic music. Neither rock , nor worship.
The whole structure of what I do is very different. I heavily depend on fx. I get that GP is not capable of doing what I’m looking for ,though. Will have to find a workaround

I never expected anything. I was only asking questions. Do I have right to do so ,as a customer ?

Of course its capable. If your plugins have the capability to switch presets via PC, you can connect a MIDI In block to them and assign a widget to the PC parameter and access them that way. Each plugin has its own responsiveness and/or stability doing it that way though.

Sadly not many plugins can to that. I will look for a solution. Cheers

You can also get a lot of mileage out of using variations for each rackspace, which for adjusting fx values within that rackspace is very effective.

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