Optimization of GP-Performance

Hello, everyone!
I am a Gig-Performer newbie on Windows 10 and built my first over 100 rackspaces with an associated setlist.
I mainly use VSts like Analog-Lab, Halion, Kontakt7, Nexus an Halion Sonic.
Because of that I thought, it would be a good idea to insert them into the Global Rackspace and saving the needed sounds from there as favorites and to use these favorites in the individual Rackspaces.
I turned on Predictive Loading with 3 instances to minimize the loading time of each Rackspace. But I notice, that due to partially sample-intensive sound, the loading time seems very long.
Therefore I would be happy to hear your thoughts, how I could optimize my installation.

Best regards,

I do not understand that, when you load favorites in the local rackspace the plugins are loaded in the local rackspace.
What is the global rackspace for?

What do you want to optimize?
Cpu, RAM, loading time of a rackspace, loading time of the gig file, switching time between rackspaces?

What is your RAM size?
Can you load 100 rackspaces into your RAM?

Just as a side note: A common ā€˜mistakeā€™ (I do not mean to be harsh) is to optimize things while youā€™re not having trouble. If your system can handle the 100 rackspaces well, then donā€™t optimize the plugins away to the Global rackspace. Youā€™ll offer lots of handy features like, quick switching between ā€˜presetsā€™ (ā€œThe rackspace is the presetā€ motto), patch persist, etcetera. Predictive loading only applies to common rackspaces and is there to alleviate the resource problem when you have a resource problem

But Iā€™m a guitar player, so easy talking here :grinning:

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I am a keyboard player, but would give the exact same advice :wink:

And, welcome to the GP community forum @Olaf :wink:

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Hi, pianopaul!
Thanks for your answer. Youā€™re right. First I thought, that using user-presets from Multi-Vsts like Halion Sonic that are placed in the Global Rackspace would save loading time, hoping that no further instance of HS needs to be loaded. But that is not true.
To be honest, the main problem of mine is the switching time between Rackspaces.
(CPU 13% / RAM 30-50% of 16GB)

You could use a combination of predictive load and set list mode.
You could build separate set lists and set predictive load to a number so that all rackspaces used in the actual set list are loaded.
This way you can seamless switch between songs in the set list and can save RAM

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@ npudar, Frank1119 and David-san,
Thank you for your thoughts.
Yes, I can load 100 rackspaces into my RAM, but then memory is full. To forego predictive loading to maximally reduce loading times canā€™t be a solution. For me 3 rackspaces seem to be the best choice.
And yes, I would have to waive on many advantages of the rackspaces.

Itā€™s just good to hear other views.

Thank you all.

Best regards, Olaf

Wow, a very interestin aspect, that I should try.

Thank you.


Can you explain this? Whatā€™s the issue with CPU 13%, for example?

Switching should be instantaneous if all rackspaces can be loaded - otherwise, if you use predictive loading and are following a set list (or rackspace sequence in order) it should still be instantaneous.

Thereā€™s a short ā€˜tailā€™ of the rackspace thatā€™s being deactivated. During that time both rackspaces are active, which might result in a short time of high(er) cpu usage.



Please excuse my late answer, but I didnā€™t have the time to continue working on it.
You are right, loading all rackspaces ist leading to instantaneous switching but nearly 90% of RAM-use. In the meantime I discovered, that after a while this very high ram usage is getting less, so that there is enough place for other applications that I use.
Only the loading time at the beginning is very long, but I can live with that.

So you have to free every bit of RAM you have, i.e. do some optimization and turn off unnecessary stuff.

See some tips here:

this ist something I did right from the start.

[Deleted after reading last OP post]

Yep, I get a crazy high ram usage when I start GP (everything functions fine), but after a few minutes it shows 45%.


I note you are using Kontakt. Have you used the ā€œsample purgeā€ procedure to reduce the memory load of your Kontakt instruments?

More info here: How to save a ton of memory if you're using Kontakt - Gig PerformerĀ®

and here:


Hi, Dave,
Thank you. Yes, I am using the sample purge procedure each time

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