New user very frustrated

I recently purchased gig performer at the recommendation of another user. the goal is to use it for live performance, getting multiple hardware synths to all change sounds / programs simultaneously from song to song

I am extremely frustrated, so I’m hoping someone can help me. I am trying to control two rack mount synths from a Yamaha mm6 that I want to use as the master keyboard.

problem number 1: whenever I have the mm6 sending midi messages to the 2 rackmount synths, if I change the program / sound on the mm6 I lose the midi signal I’m sending and the 2 synths no longer respond.

problem number 2: I cannot seem to find any place in the manual, or within the program to assign the sounds I want to use in the additional synths. one of them is a Roland JV 1010 which has hundreds of sounds, but I cannot figure out where to send the bank/sound messages when setting up a rack for a specific song, other than the rackspace properties menu tab with a 1 to 128 option for program number

any assistance anyone can give me where to find this information would be most appreciated. I have spent hours on this and I cannot get it to do what I thought it would


for the first problem: can you share the rackspace file with us? We can check if it’s a topic of GP or if there is some other issue.

  1. search for midi implementation of the JV1010… If I understand your question correct. Otherwise you can use the midi out to send specific midi messages to the synth.

Useful article: [blog] How to send PC messages out to hardware devices and other applications

[blog] Ways to send program changes to external synths

Are INS files available for your keyboard? You can use them: MIDI Outputs

The first thing that i consider essential to know is: How exactly did you connect your devices MIDI wise? How have you connected the hardware synths with your computer (which computer? Operating system? Which audio interface?), do you use some kind of MIDI patchbay or do you use MIDI daisy chaining?
And it’s also important to know how you did the “virtual connections” within Gig Performer… what kind of MIDI-IN and OUT blocks do you use, and how do you use them?
The best way to tell us these things, is to simply upload a gig file or a rackspace file, like @Toeti already mentioned, so that we can have a closer look at things.
Another probably important point: Do you use Setlist mode or rackspace mode?

It’s difficult to help if we can’t see the things that probably have gone wrong…
So please provide some more information and also upload a gig file or rackspace file.
(I manually raised your user status so that you should be allowed to do this)


thanks for the response & helpful link @npudar
“search for midi implementation of the JV1010… If I understand your question correct. Otherwise you can use the midi out to send specific midi messages to the synth.”

@Toeti, i have the manual for the JV1010 with the midi implementation chart. the rackspace properties menu has MSB & LSB choices but will not take the 3 digit numbers for bank maps like i thought i understand

“The first thing that i consider essential to know is: How exactly did you connect your devices MIDI wise? How have you connected the hardware synths with your computer (which computer? Operating system? Which audio interface?), do you use some kind of MIDI patchbay or do you use MIDI daisy chaining?”

@schamass. thank you for the response. interface: ESI Audio M8U with GP running on windows 11 . the interface has 16 i/o’s, connected to the PC. each synth has MIDI in/out connected to the ESI and works fine sending until i hit a program change on the master KB.

“And it’s also important to know how you did the “virtual connections” within Gig Performer… what kind of MIDI-IN and OUT blocks do you use, and how do you use them?”
“Another probably important point: Do you use Setlist mode or rackspace mode?”

working in rackspace mode, i’ve done a super basic rack setup. file attached
thanks again.
test rack.gig (26.6 KB)