If you already own these devices, it will be enough to start having fun with GP and make your own opinion on what works for you and what could be improved (e.g. more RAM).
Thank you for the response! Just a follow up question to your response. I do maybe play 3-4 gigs a year, nothing serious just a couple of guys getting together for a charity event, maybe a close personal friend wedding. But if I use an audio interface can I connect the audio interface to the main PA mixer? Also any suggestions on a good quality audio interface?
Sure! That’s one of the main tasks of such a device!
A suggestion will depend on your demands… i.e. how many input/otput channels, and also at last the price limit.
I used the Focusrite Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen) for a long time and it served me very well, but didn’t need lots of in puts or outputs, just a solid device with a stereo out, ant at least one XLR/TRS combi in which also is capable to have a guitar directly plugged in (and a solid driver support on Windows).
I’d go with Audio Interface, too. There are many decent/affordable audio interfaces out there. Look for one with internal mixer software included, so you can route from/to different inputs/outputs, etc etc… I’m really happy with Presonus. I use a 24c for live. 8 analog inputs/outputs. Outputs : 1+2 : my own keyboard signals for myself, 3+4, 5+6 and 7+8 for FOH and for inputs I use 1: my mic, 2: Click track from drummer, 3+4 mix of the rest of the band members.
Within GP, I have 3 widgets in global, controlled by 3 faders on my Arturia 88 so I can mix on the fly, more/less click, more/less band or more/less keys … And all this is possible thanks to the internal mixer of the audio interface…
I get a total latency for the whole rig of about 4.4msecs
As about VSTs, read articles within gigperformer about VST usage… It’ll save you a lot of grief. From my personal experience, DON’T mix audio formats of the same INSTRUMENT. i.e. If you use Kontakt VST… ALWAYS LOAD the VST version and not AU or VST3… Some instruments/fx formats work flawlessly and that same plugin in another format is a tad buggy… (FM8, in VST3 version, on my machine crashes on startup… So I use the VST version and it’s flawless…
As I just posted, after seeing your follow up, I use Presonus and I’m really happy … My old Motu 828 stopped being compatible so I had to look for a new piece of hardware and I ended up choosing the 24c … Hasn’t given any grief at all for the past 3 years …
Take note that this is not always the case… some work better with VST, others with VST3… I never use au unless it’s the only option.
Yes. The whole band uses in ear monitors. We’re 14 people up on stage. Imagine if we all use speaker monitors… It would be chaos… Haha.
Yes. My audio interface has 8 inputs.
I use 1 input to receive the click, another to receive the mix of the whole band EXCEPT my keyboard signals.
My signals, I get them directly from the audio interface, using the internal mixer to divert to FOH and to my in ear…
Within GP, y can mix the 3 signals on the fly with 3 widgets assigned to 3 faders on one of the controller keyboards… Very efficient.
Again Thank you so much for your help and quick responses. I hate to be a bother but now I have a few more questions.
What Audio Interface do you use? If i’m understanding you correctly, I really don’t know much about the PA system and how to wire other then taking a wire from the out of the keyboard to a channel on the mixer, then the outs from my mixer to the main board. SO my question is where from the mixer do you hookup the one end then the other end you use 1 input to the interface to have the whole band in your in ear monitors. I don’t know if I’m wording it correctly.
Thank you again. Im sure I’ll have more questions as I get more confused with this.
Thank you again I really appreciate your help
No bother at all… That’s what we’re all here for…
I use a Presonus 1824c. 8 ins and 8 outs simultaneously. This is connected to your laptop via usb and, basically, it acts like a mixer but in a virtual maker within GP, where you can assign each instrument to different outputs.
Generally, I send pianos, accordions, main instruments to 3&4
Strings, organs and secondary instruments to 5&6
Pads and minor sound FX etc etc too 7&8
The physical outputs are then connected to a patchbay where I can divert to the monitor mixer and FOH without even leaving my rack yet. I have it connected inside the rack so that I can rehearse with just a stereo pair of cables without having to change any connections.
On the inside of the rack, plugged into the patchbay are the outputs of the sound card. These are then diverted to a Harting multi connector which take the signals via a 16 pair multi cable to a connection bay on the stage. (Ah… you probably don’t know my background… I’m a musician in Spain and we travel with a mobile stage, so our setup is always the same, hence the connection bay and Harting setup)
Getting back to the monitor signals I receive…:
The click is sent from the drummer to the FOH. The FOH board is a Midas digital desk with the capability of controlling the aux/monitor buses from our mobile phones or tablet via WiFi, so each one of us controls each signal they need from the stage.
I receive the click via it’s own separate cable so that I can control it from my keyboard without having to look for it in the mobile app. And the rest of the band is sent via a stereo aux bus to each of us. It’s a hefty setup but very with the while because each musician has total control of his/her monitor at all time without having to send signs to a monitor tech or FOH tech.
Hello Miguel, Its been awhile since ive been back here. Hope your Christmas & New Year were fantastic.
I wanted to let you know first that I do watch the videos on youtube and came across your video with Brett and I learned a lot from your video.
Anyway back to my issue. I finally decided to purchase the Persons 1824C, now maybe its more then what I need but I like the ability to expand in the future if i desire. Well I first created an account with persons and when I try to register there product its giving me an issue about a wrong serial number. Ive tried countless times, but still no luck. I was wondering if you have the same issue. Now I don’t know if i need to register the product to be able to use the digital mixer to run it. Is there a way to get around this so I cause a different mixer and will gig performer see the A/I?