I just picked up one of these and I’m finding it extremely flexible, with lots of possibilities to control GP. Finding a few quirks as well, but I seem to be able to work around those.
Syncing footswitch LEDs with GP widgets
I got this working for the Pacer footswitch LEDs, but strangely it doesn’t change/sync the CC value in the Pacer. For example, the widget and footswitch are set as a toggle, and so the Pacer will alternately send values 0 and 127. However if you change the widget state in GP, it will update the LED on the Pacer, but it won’t update the CC value in the Pacer, so you still need to press the Pacer footswitch twice to get things back in sync. Seems a bizarre choice to sync the LED but not the stored CC value (I will contact them about this).
Solution though is to change the Pacer to send value 127 only and activate the widget setting ‘Momentary to Latching’. Now it all works correctly.
Using multiple Pacer Presets for different GP functions
I want to maximise the use of the Pacer and plan to use multiple of its ‘Presets’ e.g. some for PC messages to move rackspaces/variations, others for CC messages to control widgets/plugin settings - possibly using them for specific plugins e.g. one for looper duties, one for amp/fx switches.
One nice thing with the Pacer Presets is that you can send midi messages when you change to a particular preset. This can be used to do things like open a plugin window with GPScript when you go to a particular preset e.g. open the looper plugin when you switch to your ‘Looper’ preset. It’s nice that you can name the presets - that appear in the Pacer LED display (5 character limit).
Keeping Pacer LEDs in sync with GP for non-active Presets
My first test was to use one Pacer preset for PC messages to change rackspaces/variations, and a second Pacer preset for CC messages to control a few common fx on/bypass widgets. But I quickly noticed that the CC ‘sync’ between GP and the Pacer only works for the active Pacer preset. So if I change to the PC message preset and change to a different rackspace/variation, and then go back to the CC message preset, the footswitches did not correctly reflect their state in GP.
Solution to this was to use the same Preset midi messages that you can send out when you switch to a particular Preset. That way, when I switch back to the CC Preset, GPScript can detect that I’ve changed to this preset and ‘touch’ the widgets, which syncs them up with the Pacer. I’ve only done a quick test, but it seems to work well.
Using a footswitch to cycle through different expression pedal CC’s
Although each Pacer ‘Preset’ can have a different CC mapped to the expression pedal, there are some other nice options within a single preset. For example, you can set a footswitch to step through different CC mappings for the expression pedal, and assign them different colours. So press 1 (green) would be CC to control volume, press 2 (blue) would be CC for the wah, press 3 (purple) would be the CC for an effect gain etc.