Inspired by some of our community posts I decided to improve my original rack and have now created 3 x 61 keyboard layouts and put the colour splits onto them depending on where you place them. The colours match the synth slot colours, for simplicity, I’ve made it so the higher split colours will overlay the lower ones on the same note, this is inspired and uses some elements from other GP users who I’m always grateful for their ideas and inspiration. hope you like it.
note there are two modes config/none config for playing clarity
I hope you find this useful or a start for your ideas.
If you have an 88 key layout, it’s easy to change the scripting and rackspace to cater for that, see the scripting.
Global midi layout passing keyboards on different midi channels via the global to local midi link
Playing mode shows keyboard splits and is colour coded to the synth slot
Config mode which shows midi channel, split and transpose.
Global panel showing midi channel selectors for sending over global to local rackspace link
GLOBAL RACKSPACE.rackspace (1.8 MB)
General Keyboards 6 x 3.rackspace (3.7 MB)