I’m trying to use the velocity curve as a midi gate wich would not allow a synth to play under a certain velocity.
I wanted to use the input velocity curve but the min value is 1 so my synth (cherry ARP2600) continue to play every notes!!
is there a way to filter the velocity to do that ??
thank you!
Why not filter Note On messages?
I wrote a Scriptlet which will allow you to set a threshold parameter for velocity, which will block any note-on messages if their velocity is below that threshold value.
In the example gig rackspace you can see how this Scriptlet is used.
Just insert it in any MIDI-signal flow and, if desired, use a widget to set the threshold parameter.
Best if you right click the Scriptlet in the wiring view and save it as “Favourite”, so it will be instantly available to be inserted in your own projects.
block note-on by velocity.gig (30.1 KB)
This is the code which works in the Scriptlet:
Threshold : Parameter 1 .. 127 = 40 // Sets the threshold value for Note-On filtering
SetDisplayMessage("Block Note-ON by velocity")
SetInfoMessage("Use this scriplet to detect when an incoming Velocity value goes over the specified Threshold value. As long as the actual velocity value of a played note stays below the threshold,the note won't be played")
//Called when a NoteOn message is received
On NoteOnEvent(m : NoteMessage)
If GetVelocity(m) > Threshold Then
…hope this helps.
that’s exactly what I was looking for!!!
you rock!!
thank you a lot!!!
How would you do this?
In MIDI, a note-on with a velocity of 0 is actually another form of note-off.