MIDI Learn working in Global MIDI options, but not in widget

Background for this problem/question:

[Arturia KL 88 - Using toggle pedal for next/previous song part/rackspace]

I’m able to MIDI learn the mentioned foot toggle pedal directly to Global MIDI options.

What does not work is this;

I am using System Actions in the Global Rackspace.

I have set up three widgets:

  • One for moving to next from a keyboard button
  • One for moving to previous from a keyboard button
  • One for moving to next pressing the foot toogle pedal

All of them use System Action.
All of them work when pressed on screen.

The one I have MID learned to the foot toogle pedal, does not respond to the pedal.

Why does the pedal work when MIDI learned in the Global MIDI option, but not when MIDI learned in the widget?

Do you want MIDI learn a message by a Widget which is already learned in the global options?

I initially thought that was possible, but during problem solving i removed the learning from the global options. I’m able to learn the message in the widget but it doesn’t react to the message.

So my functioning solution for now is;

  • Next and previous via System actions learnt to two buttons on my keyboard.
  • Next MIDI learnt in global options to also have my foot switch work.

What message is sent from your controller?

Can you export the rackspace and upload it?

CC 12 Effect Control 1 (coarse): 63 Channel 1

GLOBAL RACKSPACE.rackspace (39.6 KB)

OK, when the controller sends CC 12 on Channel 1, what happens to the widget?
Does the controller send a specific value?
How looks your global MIDI Monitor window when the controller sends messages?

Nothing happens.

heck my thread mentioned further up for MIDI Monitor output.

What CC value is sent by the controller?

Set this option and try again

I made some tests and I think your controller must send a cc value greater than 64 for a button widget.

Think I’ve already tried it.

Maybe it’s that simple. Will try it when home saging. Out at Moldejazz just now.