MIDI Footswitch

Ok I am now able to get midi signals from buttons 1-10 and the 2pedals and can assign them to the widgets for next and last song. I put them in the global rack space.

I’m not sure how to assign the widgets to the next and last commands though.
Thx for the help

Assign them to the next and prev parameters of a system actions plugin

Thanks David!

Since I knew I would use a Behringer FCB1010 having (only) a DIN5 MIDI connector, I bought an USB Audio Interface with a DIN5 MIDI in port. Of course there are also DIN5 to USB converters as separate solution.

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I got a USB-C to Midi and finally got it to work. I have everything mapped as David suggested, but the midi board only enters the song number. It doesn’t move up or down between parts and/or songs even though it is assigned to do it. I think it has to do PC messages vs CC messages? Im not sure if I have to change something in GP or on the board. The board is very hard to program and I can’t figure out how to change it, and even what to change it to.

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Check https://gigperformer.com/the-system-actions-plugin/

But before you start checking the system action itself, check that the FCB1010 transmits the correct MIDI information; you can use the Global MIDI Monitor of GigPerformer for that (I use that monitor a lot, it’s the best analysis tool for MIDI data).

The FCB1010 is indeed hard to program. I use a Java application to be found at fcb1010 - UnO - software (voes.be)


Michel and Bob (@Michelkeijzers and @RGSullivan) the original FCB1010 was very cumbersome to program although there was a graphical gui app that made it a lot easier. Then the Uno chip came along making the 1010 more versatile. Then the Tinybox came along that vastly expanded the capacity again, changed the power supply to a single 7 pin Din cable that handles bidirectional MIDI and phantom power (no more power cord), enhanced the programmability by several orders of magnitude - basically anything the most powerful midi controller on the market can do can be duplicated on the 1010, using a simple text programming interface (easier than GP scripting), can be run from a PC without the 1010 even being attached, and allows a tablet or iPad to be used as a status screen to see what your 1010 is doing, which can also include songs etc etc. It also has an additional jack box that expands the system with two additional foot switches and expression pedals. If you like FCB1010s, this is about as good as it gets. I’ve linked the manual below which explains it better than I can here. Highly recommended. I use mine every day.


Yes, you have to program your MIDI controller to send CC mesages (or to use a “gig script” in Gig Performer to convert some of the PC messages to CC messages).

It seems this tinyBox has many advantages. However, because of GP is so flexible, I don’t need it to reprogram often (or at all), as I just assign each CC message transmitted by the FCB1010 (because of pedal or foot switch presses ) to GP and GP handles what to do with it. So all the logic is inside GP, the FCB10 just transmits fixed CC messages.

Hi everyone,

I’m new here (and in using GP) and I am having troubles trying to configure GP with FCB1010 (or the way around?! :sweat_smile: ).

The very first thing I noticed is that global MIDI monitor does not receive any signal from the UP/DOWN buttons and from the left expression pedal, plus the right exp pedal only gives min and max values, like a switch rather than a series of values. I’m not sure if I’m explaining it properly, but I think you will get what I mean :upside_down_face:

Michel, does your FCB acts like that?

Presumably because those UP/DOWN buttons don’t send MIDI messages - probably they’re just used to switch banks for the other pedals

I don’t know anything about that pedal but I would assume that that functionality has to be programmed into the pedal.


Hi dhj!

It does make sense! Thanks

It might be like that, but I must admit that I’ve always “fought” with this controller… :roll_eyes:

I can confirm this.

Has to be — GP has no control over what your pedal sends out - perhaps check the foot pedal manual

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I never experiences this issue, however, you can check the following:

  1. Check if the LEDs above the pedals are on. If not, they they are not ‘programmed’. You can use various ways for programming (I use a Java program called Ripwerx or something).
  2. Calibrate the pedals (it’s a quite remarkable sequences of button and pedal movements, search for it on google). FCB1010 pedals are notorious for getting uncalibrated (I do it like every month or so). The reason is that some kind of paper with lines (?) and light is used to measure the value. Maybe your calibration is so way off, it only shows a min and max value.
  3. Clean the inside if it still doesn’t give good results.
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Thanks guys,

I’m going to try and let you know if I find a way to fix it!

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Well Michel, it worked! :heart_eyes:
Now I get value per value global MIDI signals with both expression pedals :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Now it’s time to learn how to use widgets :student:

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Good to hear, don’t forget to regularly calibrate (you can check easily when the min (0) and max (127) values are not read.

Small tip: in GP, make the value graphics not linear, but make e.g. the first 10 values 0 and the last 10 values maximum, so when the pedal cannot be set to 0 but to 10, you still don’t hear a sound (when set to volume).

As others have commented, in many, if not most, cases, the culprit will be that the FCB1010 hasn’t been programmed to do what you are expecting it to do. Assuming that you have an original FCB1010, Mountain Utilities made a graphical software editor that allows you to visualize/see what you have and wish to do that is pretty handy. Of course, the unwieldy part is sending the update to the 1010, nor does it work with the Uno chip. The link for the utility is below (includes Mac, Windows, and portables). If you are ever thinking about upgrading your 1010 I highly recommend the TinyBox which basically makes the 1010 into a slave for the TinyBox, larger storage, and a much larger programming set to do far more than the 1010 orginally did. See my previous post on this with link to the manual.

FCB1010 | Mountain Utilities