Metronome trigger

Hi guys,
Is there a way to trigger the start/stop of the metronome from multiple midi devices? For example, I want to trigger the start/stop from my keyboard controller and the drummer may want to start/stop it from his drum trigger pad. From the settings, I can only see this being possible from one device.

  • Put a System Actions plugin in the Global Rackspace
  • Map multiple toggle widgets to the Metronome parameter(#10) of that System Actions plugin
  • Learn each of the controllers you wish to use for this purpose to its own respective widget
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Yes, you can!
The magic is in the System Actions plugin. Add it to your Rackspace (the Global Rackspace if you want it to be universal) and you can then map widgets to the System Action parameters “10-Metronome” for turning the metronome on/off and “2-PlayStop”. Both of these need to be on for the metronome to work.

Seems @edm11 beat me to it.

To add to this, look at this previous post:
[Gig] Custom metronome with visual feedback


Thanks for this guys. Will need to do a little trial and error as currently don’t use the global rackspace functions. I may reach out further once I get a chance to try this out.

The system actions plugin is no “Global Rackspace function”, it is just one of the internal plugins you can use wherever you want!
See the docs:

It’s just most suitable to put it into the global rackspace, so it will be accessible from anywhere (local rackspaces, global rackspace, song/songparts…), because the Global Rackspace is always there (it might be empty, but there’s no chance to get rid of it :wink: )


I have a really good question about the GP System plugin … does it behave well when used in both a local and a global rackspace, and I’m referring to only using a given system function in either a global or a local rackspace, not picking a contention fight by calling the same system function from both a local and the global rackspace.

I do this often and haven’t had any problem which may constitute my answer, but any caveats?

That plugin is just a way to access system functions.

As long as you don’t try to control the same function from multiple places at the same time, in which case the result would be undefined, there should not be an issue