Hi, When I assign the “next” function in System Actions to a touch pad on my keyboard, the pad also sounds a note in whatever vst is up…NO Thank you!!!..How do I prevent this??..Thanks
Did you accidently learn the Note Off message from the pad instead of the Note On?
That’s what would happen if you pressed the pad and let it go before stopping the learn process.
I’ve addressed that. It makes no difference.
Ruben, do your plugins that unintentionally make a sound when pressing the pad use the MIDI In (OMNI)?
Can you please upload a screenshot that shows how you mapped?
The pads on Kurzweil 2700 are hardwired (don’t know if they can be rerouted) to certain note on/off midi messages. I have set up “Next” in global rack settings to be triggered by pad., when i hit pad which sends “Next” message to GP, it also triggers a note in whichever vst is up…I don’t know how to change that parameter in the keyboard controller (if its even possible!) Nor can I figure out how to fix it in GP…Confused
I would think that’s a lot of screenshots…
The widget is next to “Variations” but that’s just a title…The action is set to “Next”
@pianopaul I looked at Ruben’s system. Turns out the fundamental problem is that each of his pads is sending THREE note messages. He needs to reconfigure the pads to send single messages (preferably CC messages)