Maiden Voyage with GP

Hey Gang,

So last week, after 3+ months of prep, I took the stage with GP. The night went as smooth as silk and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome.

I plan on making a video soon describing how AWAKEN - A Tribute to the Music of Yes utilizes GP, and my general approach to programming. Until then, if anyone wants to take a gander, here is a video from that show. Take care!!


So glad it all worked out for you.

Here’s a still from the video :slight_smile:

Perfect :ok_hand:


Nice work!!

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Thoroughly enjoyed the video! The bassist is playing a Ric, but I’ve never seen Steve Howe play a Tele. Seems to do the job well! Looking forward to your future posts.

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It was fitting, as Howe used a Tele during the Patrick Moraz era.


Congratulations on a successful maiden GP voyage! I really enjoyed the video. FYI: you are both a good player and a good singer! I only wish I could hit those high notes.


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I just can’t get this image out of my mind now. Terrific album!


One of my all-time favorite Yes pieces, and you really did it justice, improvs and all. I love your choice of synth colors, they really bring the parts alive.

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That is very kind, thank you! Always nice to be appreciated :wink:

It was excellent, but I’m going to suggest two things…

First, even at 70 Rick Wakeman is doing this…

I understand he probably has more roadies than you, and it seems he hasn’t discovered Gig Performer, but even if it’s styrofoam keyboards and your wife’s bathrobe with a splash of sequins and glitter… give it some thought.

More importantly, I hope you take the opportunity to do Rick’s Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame Induction speech verbatim during intermissions or perhaps as warmup material.


Lol. I agree totally about the cape, but every time I see the huge array of keyboards nowadays, I can’t help but laugh and think how completely unnecessary it is.