Lyrics/Chords Extension

Hi @rank13

I used the app (on ipad) GuitarTapp pro, this can be synchronisated with the browser version | Chords and Guitar Tabs
Out of this I generate a pdf. This I convert with the GP PDFToGPChordPro converter and copy it into GP.

Do I something wrong?
Thanks alot.

The converter is turning the PDF into a set of images. Thereā€™s no way to transpose or adjust the font size for any text within the image. It would have to be a proper ChordPro (text) file for this to work.

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So I do not use the converter? How do I load the ChordPro in GP, I copy the complete text and paste it in the ā€œeditā€ page? A am currently not at the computer with GPā€¦
EDIT: I read the user manualā€¦ itā€™s clear now

Thanks for this great extension! :+1: :beers:
I installed it some days ago to have a better view on my ChordPro files and iā€™ve been loving it so farā€¦ unfortunately there are some of the files not shown properly - in fact, they are not shown at all. Blank window.
I suppose it could be related to the use of German Umlauts (ƶ, Ƥ, Ć¼, Ɵ) in either the file name or the title or artist tag. I havenā€™t tracked it down, but i will try toā€¦ just wanted to place a first report (maybe you already have an idea of what could cause this kind of issue).

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There was an issue I addressed in v1.0.15 to do with file name characters. If youā€™re happy to share a file, please PM me.

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Will do, as soon as iā€™m home from work!

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Okā€¦ got it!
Itā€™s Umlauts in the file name.
If thatā€™s the case, the ChordPro file isnā€™t even opened by your extension.
There is also no text to edit then.
Try the attached *.cho file, then try with ā€œueā€ instead of ā€œĆ¼ā€ or rename it at will.
The file with an ā€œĆ¼ā€ in the name can be opened from the native GP lyrics window without problems though.
Ich War Noch Niemals In New York - Udo JĆ¼rgens.cho (3.5 KB)

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The file opens correctly for me on both Mac and Windows. Are you using the latest version of the extension? The version number is listed in the Options.
I had made a specific fix for this issue in v1.0.15.

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I will check thatā€¦ I guess there will be an embarrassing situation waiting for me around the corner. :grimacing:

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Yeahā€¦ you were right. I still was on 1.0.14ā€¦ silly me! :crazy_face:
Runs smooth now!
Sorry for the hassle. :innocent:


ā€œUdo JĆ¼rgensā€, I remember that nameā€¦ When I was a student, I was walking around Hamburg with my girlfriend at the time, who was showing me around the city. We passed an auditorium where there was a crowd, and a big black Mercedes pulled up and a guy got out. I asked my girlfriend who this guy was, and she replied: ā€œHey, thatā€™s Udo JĆ¼rgens!ā€ā€¦ it was 1994, and he was a bit fresher than he is todayā€¦ and so was Iā€¦ :worried:


I have a test version that adds autoscroll. Iā€™m keen to get feedback on how well it works (or doesnā€™t)!

[Autoscroll added in v1.1.0]

A reminder for Mac users, the extension will initially be blocked, but you can authorize it via the System Settings app and ā€˜Privacy & Securityā€™ section.

  • Set the length of the song via the duration directive. This can be in seconds or minutes:seconds e.g. {duration: 2:18}. Alternative directive is x_gplc_duration
  • If you havenā€™t set a duration in the file, it will do a simple estimate of the duration based on the tempo and number of lyrics/chords lines in the file (more for demo purposes - itā€™s expected that everyone will add the formal duration directive).
  • Pause the scrolling at any point in the song, defined in seconds e.g. {pause: 5}. The length of all pauses will be subtracted from the overall duration, so that it will finish scrolling at exactly the total song duration youā€™ve defined. Alternative directive is x_gplc_pause
  • The scrolling can be manually paused by deactivating the play button in the extension window, or via the Play/Pause widget. This will not affect the calculated duration.
  • The up arrow icon is a ā€˜resetā€™ and return to the top of the lyrics/chords.
  • There is a Preference option to start the scrolling when the global playhead is started. I didnā€™t make it a full sync with the global playhead, so it wonā€™t stop the scrolling if you stop the playhead. I did this for greater flexibility, but let me know if this is an awkward approach.
  • The additional Preference option is to prevent the automatic hiding of the autoscroll ā€˜panelā€™ (that has the buttons and timer) when you change songs or click the background.
  • There is an updated template panel that adds new buttons for Play/Pause and Reset. Remove your existing panel first, or else it will change the widget handles on the new panel and it wonā€™t work.


Very cool!

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I will check it out tomorrow.

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As we figured out this morning, that I can crash GP with negative numbers in chord definitions I would like to place an additional feature request here.

I donā€™t know if negative numbers ar standard in ChordPro. However, it was working partly in one of the previous version of the extension. I was able to draft chord voicing like Bm9 with notes below the root key.


{define: Bm9 keys -2 2 3 7}
{define: C#m7add#11 keys -2 0 3 5}
{define: F#m9 keys -7 -5 -2 2 }

which resulted in

However this was only working, if there were enough visible keys below the root key.

You can see the -2 of the C#m7add#11 at the top of the display, or the -7 of the F#m9

So hereā€™s my feature request: depending on the root key and the most negative number it would be helpful if the keyboard display could start with other notes than C

This would also be helpful for ā€˜biggerā€™ 9/11/13 chords where the current keyboard display is too short.

The next update will fix the crash. In terms of not wrapping the notes below the root, is the layout on the right acceptable? If so, you can achieve this by just adding 12 to your note values in the definition: {define: C#m7add#11 keys 10 12 15 17}


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Some things are sooo easy - a typical case of not seeing the trees for the forest
Thanks for the ā€˜big hintā€™

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If you want to test the fix for the crashing, Iā€™ve updated the autoscroll test version a few posts back.

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:+1: fix works - Thanks!


I donā€™t use these kinds of diagrams, havenā€™t looked at the code, and donā€™t know if there is any kind of ā€œconventionā€ for numerical chord representation, butā€¦

Would it be convenient for users for the extension to detect a negative number in the chord definition and then automatically add 12 to everything?

QOL, ease of use ideaā€¦ If I were to use this kind of feature I think in some cases that might be more intuitive to me.