So I decided to make a brief overview of how I use GP. A fellow local KB player glanced under the hood so I thought I’d make something more formal for further review.
So here is how my rig looks on my iPad on stage:
Here is a breakdown of my Global Rackspace along with what everything does. Mainly gain controls and lighting/system actions. I keep my main expression pedal here as a master volume, just in case something goes weird. Arrows to corresponding wiring block included.
This is a photo of my Roland A-800 Pro and how I use the controls to manipulate the global parameters. Notice the copious use of painter’s tape for labeling and the florescent nail polish to create greater contrast on dark stages.
Here is a closeup of my global wiring view. What I’m doing here is running the main signal to the pedal block, then splitting to a FOH and Monitor. My FOH send is on Outputs 3/4 and my monitor is Output 9/10. That way I can plug earbuds into the interface monitor outs for an easy on stage/wired IEM. The Click is generated by system action into a sampler of our beloved click sample and then to output 5 into our IEM rig. The blocks on the right are the midi in blocks for the light buttons and go straight out to the IAC drivers to connect to QLC+
And a closeup of the front view of same:
This is a look at my default rackspace. I created visual keyzones for keeping track of what’s where. I also have a sustain pedal block that is grouped so I can control multiple VST’s at once. Sliders for mixing, a volume knob to balance the whole rack against the setlist and in the lower corner, my rackspace specific “kill swtich” for lighting. This allows the global light controls to be used.
This is my QLC+ scene. I have the big buttons on right for easy control of basic scenes for when I’m running my lights manually. The tighter block on the right is my scene list for GP control. each block corresponds to a key on Ch11 of my lower tier. That way, I can use midi files to just bounce through scenes easily.
And just for fun, here is my most complicated rackspace (I know, it needs a cleanup) for Livin’ on a Prayer. Took this many vst’s to get a close approximation of my Kronos Patch.
Next I’ll do a runthrough of my physical layout as I think it’s a winner for those questionable bar gigs.